Gallatin Griz attack - Poss. capture


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
...she was awaken in her tent by a bear biting her arm. She said she survived by playing dead until the animal gave up and lumbered away.

Interesting how one can play dead while having an arm knawed away by a griz... Woken from her sleep where a bear has already chewed through the tent to get to her arm, OR Got hold of her arm with the tent wrapped around her arm...

I interviewed a person who was left for dead while balling up and his pack taking the brunt of the blows before it wandered off... Though... I find it hard to believe this lady simply played dead while laying in her tent with a griz jaw wrapped around her arm...

More power to her I suppose - after all, she is alive while another was mauled and another was killed.
I have always read you are not suppose to play dead in a predatory attack. The whole attack seems predatory in nature. I wonder if the dead person would have lived had he slept with a pistol?

I am always more concerned with bear problems in developed camp grounds vs in the boonies. You never know if the spot you are in had a bear with a pan of chili on its head with a bunch of retrads taking pictures three days before.
I am always more concerned with bear problems in developed camp grounds vs in the boonies. You never know if the spot you are in had a bear with a pan of chili on its head with a bunch of retrads taking pictures three days before.

Big +1 there dink.
I made the mistake of backpacking up Pebble Creek by myself a few years back. Had a small griz come into camp just after dusk. Sniffed around the tent until I smacked the side. He ended up down under my bag of food about 100 yards away. Didn't hear anything else from him the rest of the evening. Needless to say I didn't sleep that night.
I made the mistake of backpacking up Pebble Creek by myself a few years back. Had a small griz come into camp just after dusk. Sniffed around the tent until I smacked the side. He ended up down under my bag of food about 100 yards away. Didn't hear anything else from him the rest of the evening. Needless to say I didn't sleep that night.

I would have been scared big time. Something about a grizz that messes with my head. A black bear will not bother me menatlly, even though they are more responsable for attacks and deaths
I'm right with you there schmalts.

Perhaps too many viewing of "Night of the Grizzly" when I was younger.
Had a "good" encounter with a grizz last week-end.Two of us had been in the back country for 9 hrs.,bagged a peak, and were headed out just before dark.We left alpine and headed into the trees,both agreed it was time to get the spray on our chest straps.I was point man on our bushwack to the truck,working towards a clearing when about 25 front jumped a bear at the edge of the park.He woofed and split at mach 10.Watched him sprint for 10-15 yds. before I lost sight of him.Funny 'cuz earlier in the day i was having a thought process about how fast i could actually get the spray in my hand ready for action,especially since I climb with a trekking pole.I was spot on,but REALLY glad that bear didn't come straight on.In the next half hour we spotted 6 black bears,sows,cubs,and boars(I think),$hit it was unreal.....all the bears between us and our path out.They were all downhill of us,so finally the wind shifted and we could give them a good wiff.Radical way to end our climb.My opinion,but that is what gives Montana the edge over non-grizz western states,...keeps your survival edge tuned,even if it is a crap shoot sometimes.Happy to be in one piece.
Yeah,happened so fast i didn't have time to crap,guess thats why they call it pucker factor.
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