Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Gabby Giffords [ gun control]


Nov 12, 2004
Thanks, I can post again:

Just a thought, While Obama consistantly uses Gabby Giffords as his anti-gun poster child.:hump:.. the libs are always stating how she is a gun owner... I have seen her on at least three of Obama's nationally televised speeches..:eek:

Nothing against Gabby personnely [ God bless her]

But wouldn't she be stopped from getting a gun under the libs new proposed background checks [ mental capacity]... not trying to be cold... but what about it... ?
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It seems fairly obvious that she has suffered a substantial loss of motor skills,but do you know she has lost ''mental capacity''?
Cannot, will not go there without inserting foot in mouth one way or another. Gentlemen, this is a touchy subject and just hope we do not go there as far as Gabby is concerned. End of rant. Let's be the better person.
It seems fairly obvious that she has suffered a substantial loss of motor skills,but do you know she has lost ''mental capacity''?

I think she is a fine soft spoken person,I feel so sorry for her. it was a horrible thing that happened to her by a madman.... And I am not "going there" as in attacking her
on a personnel level...

My pt. is the way she is being "exploited" by the Obama Admin.

The fact that she is being told what to say about being a "current gun owner"

Under the lefties plans... would she no longer be able to be a gun owner... thats the question.
My question was do you ''Know'' that she has lost mental capacity, because I don't.

It's obvious to me that she has lost motor skills,but I am not aware that she had lost mental capacity.

As far as her being ''exploited'' every time I have seen her on T.V.her husband has been by her side.
I think she is a fine soft spoken person,I feel so sorry for her. it was a horrible thing that happened to her by a madman.... And I am not "going there" as in attacking her
on a personnel level...

My pt. is the way she is being "exploited" by the Obama Admin.

The fact that she is being told what to say about being a "current gun owner"

Under the lefties plans... would she no longer be able to be a gun owner... thats the question.
I think you should give us a link to the "lefties plan" before assuming it will apply to someone. NRA had a push to keep guns out of the mentally unfit too. I can't think of anything more dumb than having some bureaucrat decide who can buy a gun or not,
I think the main problem here is that there is a problem with multiple solutions. The biggest problem is that both sides are trying to solve a totally different problem. I honestly think one side is looking for as many examples as they can and are using human emotions, not facts to promote their solution the their problem, "Gun Control". The other side is simply trying to find out a solution as to how to stop "bad people" from doing harm. These are two totally different agendas that one side likes to get wrapped together to help promote their agenda based on emotions, not facts.

I am personally getting tired of the "if these laws could save just one life wouldnt you" approaches of pushing gun control. The is an emotional plead. Here is a fact, if the Principle at Sandy Hook was a trained conceal carry permit holder that was carrying the likely outcome of the Sandy Hook incident would have been 1 threat stopped and 20 children and 6 staff members, including the Principle would have been saved. Not just one life, but 26 would have been saved in just one example.
I think the main problem here is that there is a problem with multiple solutions. The biggest problem is that both sides are trying to solve a totally different problem. I honestly think one side is looking for as many examples as they can and are using human emotions, not facts to promote their solution the their problem, "Gun Control". The other side is simply trying to find out a solution as to how to stop "bad people" from doing harm. These are two totally different agendas that one side likes to get wrapped together to help promote their agenda based on emotions, not facts.

I am personally getting tired of the "if these laws could save just one life wouldnt you" approaches of pushing gun control. The is an emotional plead. Here is a fact, if the Principle at Sandy Hook was a trained conceal carry permit holder that was carrying the likely outcome of the Sandy Hook incident would have been 1 threat stopped and 20 children and 6 staff members, including the Principle would have been saved. Not just one life, but 26 would have been saved in just one example.

Agreed and well stated.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she already on the gun ban bandwagon, before she was shot? Many of the anti-gun crowd purport to be gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment, yet they constantly work to deprive US, the LEGAL gun owners of our rights. In her case, I agree that she suffered a terrible attempt on her life, but I do not believe that's why she and Mark Kelly have decided to join the anti-gun movement in such a vociferous and public manner. I do believe they have become enamored with the current media fueled hysteria promulgated by the elitists who think they know what is best for American citizens. I also can't help but wonder if Kelly is using this tragedy and the side effects as a springboard for his own political gain.
I believe the City of Chicago is a shining example of the efficiency of more gun laws to prevent crime. Washington DC is a close second or third. NYC fits in there somewhere also. Remove the emotion and analyze the quantitative evidence.
Thanks, I can post again:

Just a thought, While Obama consistantly uses Gabby Giffords as his anti-gun poster child.:hump:.. the libs are always stating how she is a gun owner... I have seen her on at least three of Obama's nationally televised speeches..:eek:

Nothing against Gabby personnely [ God bless her]

But wouldn't she be stopped from getting a gun under the libs new proposed background checks [ mental capacity]... not trying to be cold... but what about it... ?

Coming back from what this poor woman suffered it's clear she has more mental capacity than you do.

I hunt and cherish the freedom and opportunities we have in America but I am sick and disgusted by the 2nd Amendment Cult turning anything into a point about the double secret government ploy against them.

My suggestion is delete this sick and disgusting post and pray for forgiveness. :mad::mad:
dukes_daddy, you aren't really serious, are you? No gun owner in their right mind can actually believe as you posted. Are you a liberal gun grabbing infiltrator??????????????
I thought the same thing! you may want to get off all hunting forums with thinking like that
Coming back from what this poor woman suffered it's clear she has more mental capacity than you do.

I hunt and cherish the freedom and opportunities we have in America but I am sick and disgusted by the 2nd Amendment Cult turning anything into a point about the double secret government ploy against them.

My suggestion is delete this sick and disgusting post and pray for forgiveness. :mad::mad:

You mean the majority of gun owners in the country? It is a ploy, a very political ploy.

How can the Democrat party say they "care about the kids" when they are trying to legalize abortion for ANYTIME in a pregnancy ( that means right before birth)?

We are ONE major school shooting away from a martial law gun confiscation.
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I thought the same thing! you may want to get off all hunting forums with thinking like that

Actually the 2nd Amendment Cult needs to get off this hunting site.

How does hate speech about a poor woman who was shot by a nut relate to hunting?

Hunter - Yes. Gun Nut - No
Would you please quote the "hate speech"! Everything I read was sympathetic to her situation, but questioning of her true motives and of her being used by the antis. That doesn't sound like "hate speech" to me!!!!!
2nd Amendment Cult? ...broad stokes.

Of course she is being used to shape policy. That is fact, not hate speech. Nothing is untouchable for liberal advocation...vice versa is verboten though, right?
"Hunter yes, gun nut No?" A lot of difference between being nuts for guns and a nut with guns. Hunters are usually the former. mtmuley