
FWP Proposed Changes - 2021 Season Setting

I meant there are a lot of hunters out there that could not figure out the difference between permits and licenses, how do you simplify regs enough for those types?
Put out an educational video explaining the difference with examples? Oh wait, turns out those already exist with a quick search.
The 12 year olds I explain it to pick it up pretty darn quick.
I can maybe understand the confusion from not having someone to explain it but I'm not sure how it could be simplified even more.
If that needs fixing then all is lost. And I’m not talking just hunting in Montana.
Then all is lost. The document shared stated a large portion of the 40,000 calls they get were from people confused about the application/tag system. I would agree then that there is a problem. I would not want my staff taking that many calls and spending that much time on something that's easily correctable. Especially when the system in place is among the most unique in the country and all other states use a very similar system (to each other) and field far fewer calls for that same issue. Unless there is a biological justification for keeping things the way they are, I just don't see any reason not to change. Considering no other states use that system, I'd say the biological justifications are not there or only make sense within that specific system.
I get it and you're right it's kinda silly. But, the truth is it's a common source of confusion. Why not fix what's easy to fix?
I can see your point. Refer back to post #6, point 4
4. I feel like a lot of this is simply catering to dumb people

All that said, if we need to dumb it down that far, so be it. Unfortunately dumbing it down is going to be the vehicle to throwing the gates open and completely eschewing any real management.

Kurt is right about 900 antelope, 900 archery elk, Region 7 mule deer B tags. It’s a joke.

Is Idaho’s public school system that much better than Montana that they can field a general tag/controlled hunt drawing?
Then all is lost. The document shared stated a large portion of the 40,000 calls they get were from people confused about the application/tag system. I would agree then that there is a problem. I would not want my staff taking that many calls and spending that much time on something that's easily correctable. Especially when the system in place is among the most unique in the country and all other states use a very similar system (to each other) and field far fewer calls for that same issue. Unless there is a biological justification for keeping things the way they are, I just don't see any reason not to change. Considering no other states use that system, I'd say the biological justifications are not there or only make sense within that specific system.
The way things look to be trending, might not need to how to apply or what the difference between a tag and permit is anyway. That problem is way, way down the list. mtmuley
I can see your point. Refer back to post #6, point 4

All that said, if we need to dumb it down that far, so be it. Unfortunately dumbing it down is going to be the vehicle to throwing the gates open and completely eschewing any real management.

Kurt is right about 900 antelope, 900 archery elk, Region 7 mule deer B tags. It’s a joke.

Is Idaho’s public school system that much better than Montana that they can field a general tag/controlled hunt drawing?
I hear you and I get it. But it is what is. It makes no sense to spend agency time, man hours, resources and dollars fighting "stupid" when MTFWP can just join all the other states and make it simple so "stupid" can figure it out.
The way things look to be trending, might not need to how to apply or what the difference between a tag and permit is anyway. That problem is way, way down the list. mtmuley
Last time I was working on my pick up, the carrier bearing spacer wasn't tall enough to prevent driveshaft shutter during acceleration. I didn't ignore it because I had bigger things going on. I put some washers in there because it was easy to fix and I was down there working on it anyway. Why ignore a small problem only for it to get worse or continue to be a problem?
I hear you and I get it. But it is what is. It makes no sense to spend agency time, man hours, resources and dollars fighting "stupid" when MTFWP can just join all the other states and make it simple so "stupid" can figure it out.
Because it will be at the expense of the public land hunter, that’s why. The good thing is, most of them are too dumb to know what they are losing or have lost.
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I hear you and I get it. But it is what is. It makes no sense to spend agency time, man hours, resources and dollars fighting "stupid" when MTFWP can just join all the other states and make it simple so "stupid" can figure it out.
They'll confuse just as many people by "changing" it. Change is the arch nemesis of the old and dumb.
Go back and read what I’ve already written. It’s explained already.
I think you're misunderstanding me. That may be my fault.

I'm not advocating for everything going to a general season. I'm just advocating for a single point format. A 10 point tag would still require lots of just wouldn't require also drawing a general tag just to get entered into the special permit.

Tag numbers per unit would stay the same and in effect draw odds would stay the same or very similar.
I think you're misunderstanding me. That may be my fault.

I'm not advocating for everything going to a general season. I'm just advocating for a single point format. A 10 point tag would still require lots of just wouldn't require also drawing a general tag just to get entered into the special permit.

Tag numbers per unit would stay the same and in effect draw odds would stay the same or very similar.
If that was the end goal here, I’d support it. I highly doubt it is.
If that was the end goal here, I’d support it. I highly doubt it is.
I have similar concerns. But I don't think that means we should recoil from any and all change. The public comment period will hopefully be our opportunity to advocate for positive change and makes the FWP more efficient and to condemn change we do not support
Then all is lost. The document shared stated a large portion of the 40,000 calls they get were from people confused about the application/tag system. I would agree then that there is a problem. I would not want my staff taking that many calls and spending that much time on something that's easily correctable. Especially when the system in place is among the most unique in the country and all other states use a very similar system (to each other) and field far fewer calls for that same issue. Unless there is a biological justification for keeping things the way they are, I just don't see any reason not to change. Considering no other states use that system, I'd say the biological justifications are not there or only make sense within that specific system.
Easy fix, realize that a huge % are people that are dreaming up problems, going off rumors, job site talk, bar room chatter or could be easily confused by how to properly use stairs. If that’s a justification that will be used then those making the decisions should go man the phones for a few days and understand a lot of people are beyond help no matter how simple life is
I would assume the answer is to go to a pref point only or a bonus point only. Each unit is general or special you apply for one or the other
Now that sounds interesting... hmmm. Silver lining?
Easy fix, realize that a huge % are people that are dreaming up problems, going off rumors, job site talk, bar room chatter or could be easily confused by how to properly use stairs. If that’s a justification that will be used then those making the decisions should go man the phones for a few days and understand a lot of people are beyond help no matter how simple life is
Therein lies the problem. I think the majority of hunters in Montana are just what you described. It's hard to change that. mtmuley
We are doomed. Nobody can agree on anything and everybody has their shoot from the hip ideas me included. GG and crew about to steam roll he knows what he wants.

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