From Brews to Bourbons: Drinks to Avoid.

Yukon Jack !!! My favorite for over 30 years. One nearly every night before dinner with a Canadian beer for a chaser. Always a jug of it in my freezer !!
I think there were some blank years from Kokanee and Hudson Bay Rye.

But the headaches from Jack and or white whine haunt me still.
Quit that all in 1989.
No regrets.
i had a roommate in college once that would take a shot of peppermint schnapps before bed many a night. said it was a solid substitute for mouth wash.

gotta say, he was on to something.
My BIL returned from a trip to Glacier NP 15 years ago, brought back Moose drool and some trout beer. "Best" beer he ever drank. I never finished the moose drool I opened, and never even tried the trout piss.
Worst skunk piss I’ve ever tried was from phillipsburg brewery. I’m thinking it was called HWY 1 or something.

And that’s coming from someone who drank (and thought it was great) 1 1/2 year old OLY cans that his dad forgot and were stashed in the Sun long enough to fade the can design. 🤮. Still thought it was great when I was like 14

This is the single worst beer I’ve ever drank in my life. We were camping right after my highschool graduation, and I drank a 5th of BV with grenadine mixed in. This still tasted like battery acid mixed with armpit sweat. Oh, and yes I puked…
It’s not that this stuff is bad, it’s very cheap, and a complete mind eraser. I could usually handle whiskey well, but when my wife’s family from Minnesota would come back and bring us this I’d start in on it and turn into Joe Biden, but mean. Incoherent rambling, with insulting comments designed to start a fight sprinkled in. I also drank it with her family in Minnesota. I got so drunk I passed out on a pool floaty, woke up and thought it was the next morning……… but it was just evening. Needless to say my wife disapproves.
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McMaster's and Windsor seem to be staple rail whiskeys in MN. The problem is, I can drink this shit and not even realize I'm drinking it.

They go down like a fat kid on a seesaw and you don't even realize how strong you're making them until its too late! :ROFLMAO:
McMaster's and Windsor seem to be staple rail whiskeys in MN. The problem is, I can drink this shit and not even realize I'm drinking it.

They go down like a fat kid on a seesaw and you don't even realize how strong you're making them until its too late! :ROFLMAO:
That just it, you can drink it and feel fine, then next thing you know you can’t talk and your legs don’t work.
Goose Island Bourbon County Stout.
Worked at various liquor stores during and after college and we'd get so many inquiries on if/when we'd be receiving these limited release bourbon barrel aged stouts that we'd have wait lists and would only sell 2/person. As an impressionable young man, I grabbed a bottle or two for like 3-4 years in a row and they all ended up in the cellar to age more, which I was told was the way to go.
Regardless if they are aged or not, these "beers" are awful. Unpleasant smell. 5W-30 viscosity. 10W-30 taste.
Had a couple left over when we moved the other week and gifted them to the college kids who worked for the mover. They thought it was cool that they were like 14%.
Goose Island Bourbon County Stout.
Worked at various liquor stores during and after college and we'd get so many inquiries on if/when we'd be receiving these limited release bourbon barrel aged stouts that we'd have wait lists and would only sell 2/person. As an impressionable young man, I grabbed a bottle or two for like 3-4 years in a row and they all ended up in the cellar to age more, which I was told was the way to go.
Regardless if they are aged or not, these "beers" are awful. Unpleasant smell. 5W-30 viscosity. 10W-30 taste.
Had a couple left over when we moved the other week and gifted them to the college kids who worked for the mover. They thought it was cool that they were like 14%.
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I have a handful of bottles from the last couple of years, one of the Goose Island guys told me to not go past two years.
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Could not get past the first drink of this stuff. Still have 5 in the beer fridge.
What is the weird millennial obsession with peanut butter where it doesn’t belong? I was in Total Wine yesterday and counted no less than a dozen whiskeys and beers with peanut butter in the name. There’s this trendy hipster burger place by my house that has peanut butter cheeseburgers.

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