Caribou Gear

Friend found skull in Arizona


New member
Nov 21, 2005
Northern Cali
A Friend of mine found this skull in Arizona while hunting,not a shed but interesting anyway.Broadhead must have cut the tounge and he starved to death.



I found a javelina skull with an expandle BH stuck in the nasal cavity. Based on the calcium build up the pig lived a year or so with that thing. I use it in my Hunter Ed classes to make the shot placement point - works pretty good for getting the point across.

I've worked several G&F camps where game has been brought in and when we skin it we find old broadheads. For the most part they were in the front of the ribcage or a shoulder blade. These stories don't make the point that the skull does tho.
I'm thinking infection is probably what killed that deer......neat find thats for sure.
You can only hope this guy who shot at this buck had a deflection or some other miss-hap that caused such a poor shot.Ive killed a few bucks with a bow over the years and have had some near misses with unseen obsticles and this last year had my first when this buck actually jumped the string as he was quartering towards me causing a very poor shot.Luck was with me and he only went 60 yards and went down with a shot I hope i never repeat.:eek: :eek: :eek:
i was at a locker plant when a guy had a 7x7 bull after skinning we found a sist after opening it we found a new looking baer super razerhead.
then while cutting up the meat we found a 2nd one that was all healed up around and appered to be a year earlier same bear super razerhead.
the elk had healed up fine the sist was isolated off and small.
the bull was going to live with them
but it must have been hard on the hunter to hit the same 7x7 two years running and lose the elk.
he will never know the elk was still ok tell it ran into the 338.
i'm not condoning wounding animals but lots of archery wounds heal well
rifle wounds are more prone to infection and slow death.
all shots need to be taken with care and wounding animals should not be forgotten go back the next day,week,or as much as you can to find the wounded gameand finnish them.
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