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Friday the 13th.....


New member
Oct 29, 2003

He shoots and shoots, but scores!

Okay, so I talk IdahoBugler into taking the day off from work so we can go out and try to fill my antelope tag. We talk it over and figure we could be back by noon if all goes well. That's the plan and it would have worked but.....

IB and I get to a glassing location and he spots a small group of antelope with two shooter bucks in there. It's early so we put a plan together and get into position about 350 yards away. I tell IB I can't hit the broadside of a barn and he then questions if I have enough bullets for this outing. We try to sneak our way literally 20 yards closer but I make enough noise crawling into position that IB follows behind cussing and swearing under his breath wondering if it is worth taking me out. I get to a small rocky outcropping and he waves to me saying "Get ready, they're still 350 yards out. Shoot before they get over the ridge!"

So I shoot........right over the bigger bucks back. Prior to the shot, I could have swore IB whispered into my ear "I don't really want to go back to work today. Can you miss this shot and shoot one some two miles away so I can use the workout for my Kodiak Island trip next month?" I think to myself for a brief second and figure I can accomodate his request. After all, it's the least I could do.

Now getting to the good stuff. We watch the antelope to figure out which direction they are going to head. IB and I take off and get to a point where we might cut them off. Well, it works.....kind of. We had to wait for some mule deer and a friggin' rabbit to scurry off so we wouldn't be detected. Finally, we see them and IB says, "230 yards....they're close". We follow close behind them and over the ridge we peek to have them about 250 yards broadside. I get into position, IB gets his camera out to film, I shoot and miss, IB gets it all on film. Wonderful! IB's The Season 2 DVD now has lead in footage of what not to do on a near perfect stalk on speed goats. Back to the story... They run off and IB tells me they are now at 400 yards. BAM!! I shoot and connect. Holy chit! I hit him on the run in the front shoulder. IdahoBugler is amazed as well wondering why I take close shots in the first place.

We move on up close now and see him with the other antelope and I take another 420+ yard shot and put him down. End of story. IB gets his wish on the long packout and I get my first antelope! I am elated to say the least. He's tapes out at about 13.5" and has decent mass and cutters. This one was a scrapper too. He has a chipped digger and a 4" scar down the front of his face with other misc. scars on neck and shoulders. I couldn't be happier to fill the tag and let IB pack the thing out! Thanks IB for all the help!

First one with HuntTalk beanie.......


Me, the antelope, and tons of annoying flies....


IdahoBugler and wilecoyote76.....


Last but certainly not least....the flip-flop shot.....


I tried antelope hunting in flip-flops just to get a pic and I don't know how you walk in those things.:D They look good on ya though. Oh yeah and congrats on the prarie rocket.
Those flipflops are hot. :D

Where do you get the HT beanies? Do you gotta be part of an elite club, know a secret handshake, have 500 posts, or what? I couldn't find any on ebay either...
dude, you get points for style on the flip flops, but I still think axl has ya beat...but we never see him swimming with them on...hmmm..decisions decisions.
Dudes. Are those the new guide series stalker slippers from Cabela's? I have been searching the site but cannot find them listed anywhere. I think they come in also a rainbow pattern for Californicator hunting.;) :D
Billy, On the top of the main page go to the Store. Browtine out of Utah has then and will send you one if you order one.

As far as the Flip Flop, this will be tough to beat. Although... Me and IdahoBugler have an Idea for Kodiak Island in November........ You boys better bring your "A" game :D

Willie , Kick ass story and Awesome hunt !!!! Congrats to ya bud !!
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