
For you bighorn experts, let's play the annuli game

I would vote 4 years old on the first and 3 years old on the 2nd ram posted of Millers. Really only a few months into the 3rd year on that second one, hopefully some good growth to go the rest of the summer for him.

3 years old also on the one you can see well of BighornRams picture.
Have fun with this one.

I was harvested a couple weeks later IIRC

Fun thread I'm gonna go 10.5 on last ram but I'm sure I'm off.

Had a friends wife kill one once that was 15 that quit rining? Ever heard of that.
Seems like #3 is >=10.5. But difficult without it in hand.

Just curious, where are you taking these great photographs?
I'm curious about #2.

I just can't buy into those tiny growth rings for ages 3 and 4. Unless it had some type of an serious illness that lasted 2 years or there was an extremely terrible drought those are going to be a couple of really good growth years and he should be putting on several inches of horn at that age and not 1/4" each year.

Or maybe I'm missing the line for the first year. To me it looks like he had awesome growth in year 1 and 2 and then is still working on growing year 3.
I have my opinions on the ages, but no guarantees. I will let everyone else debate them.

Just curious, where are you taking these great photographs?

Thanks for the compliment. Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota.

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