Caribou Gear Tarp

For those that thought the last presidential election was bizarre..

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I am over here just wishing I would have been smart enough 20 years ago to be able to essentially unionize students and go on strike from school every Friday!

I asked our older and wiser ( than I ) resident female and she assured me that as long as I am simply stating my opinion, that there is nothing wrong in doing so.

As a young female I find this post offensive. I am not supporting the young underage female or her cause, and I do understand the above attempt at humor, regardless of who the older man is that one might photoshop into the picture.

As to the selection itself for "person of the year" I do not agree with it, however she seems to have been willing to put in the work that it takes to support the "cause' of her choice.

I was asked if this was a 16 year old girl who had spent the time and effort this girl has spent supporting gun rights and hunting, would the posts here be different ?
Randi, I respect your view on this post and say the following as a means of explaining what I consider to be the perception of most who are responding to this thread.
1. Time and other SJW media are becoming increasingly irrelevant as they switch from telling their audience about what is going on in the world to patronizing their audience by telling them what they should support or oppose.
2. Greta’s youth, enthusiasm, femininity, and everything else that is positive and right about her and other young girls of her generation is being cynically exploited by the aforementioned media and certain segments of environmental activists to guilt the participants in the climate change conversation to ensure the trajectory of the discussion trends towards their agenda.
3. The dude with his hands on her back is “creepy Uncle Joe Biden “ a political figure looked to by those mentioned above to be a leader in addressing climate change. He has demonstrated a certain insensitivity in regards to considering women as equal and staying within society’s unwritten boundaries of relationships between non- romantically connected equals of opposite sex. ( Allow me to point out that our anatomy grabbing President is even worse.)
4. In terms of accomplishment and courage at a young age, being groomed and feted by one side of a political debate to excoriate the other side of the debate is not so noteworthy to distance themselves from other potential candidates.

IMO, this young lady is one of the best examples in recent history of someone who the world should be regarding as a “Person of the Year.”
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Eats Tide Pods

cinnamon challenge


Dopnt know their sex or which bathroom to use

selfie sticks

perpetually offended by everything

participation trophies

Live off mom and dad

crap music

These young skulls full of mush cant change a tire or do anything unrelated to a computer.

These dumb pugs cant start a lawnmower and they think they can start a revolution.

time person of the year??? Hahahahahahahhah Who knew that was still in publication??? She is a rich puppet and too dumb to know she is being used as a pawn. Epic fail. Libs are so damed stupid, its a shame. Bummer got some useless award for something he didn't do. this is the same kind of joke.

These comments might upset some. I wont care. Grow thicker skin.
She's a kid vaunted by the Democrats into the media spotlight - a puppet of the political media... Strings pulled from whichever side once positioned in the political spotlight.
Political media is not news, political media is Kool-Aid depending on your flavor.

Good on her for sharing her opinion... Now, school of political Hard Knox will brand her future. Welcome to Political Science 101.
Eats Tide Pods

cinnamon challenge


Dopnt know their sex or which bathroom to use

selfie sticks

perpetually offended by everything

participation trophies

Live off mom and dad

crap music

These young skulls full of mush cant change a tire or do anything unrelated to a computer.

These dumb pugs cant start a lawnmower and they think they can start a revolution.

time person of the year??? Hahahahahahahhah Who knew that was still in publication??? She is a rich puppet and too dumb to know she is being used as a pawn. Epic fail. Libs are so damed stupid, its a shame. Bummer got some useless award for something he didn't do. this is the same kind of joke.

These comments might upset some. I wont care. Grow thicker skin.
Man, that is deep.
I teach 8th grade, and many, many of my students spend a lot of time thinking about climate change and what could be done to stop it.

She's just the newest media sensation, my money says within a year she will be old news. The real sad part is that she was awarded PotY (and all other media attention) instead of the other kids in her generation who are actually DOING the things she just scolds us about...
Eats Tide Pods

cinnamon challenge


Dopnt know their sex or which bathroom to use

selfie sticks

perpetually offended by everything

participation trophies

Live off mom and dad

crap music

These young skulls full of mush cant change a tire or do anything unrelated to a computer.

These dumb pugs cant start a lawnmower and they think they can start a revolution.

time person of the year??? Hahahahahahahhah Who knew that was still in publication??? She is a rich puppet and too dumb to know she is being used as a pawn. Epic fail. Libs are so damed stupid, its a shame. Bummer got some useless award for something he didn't do. this is the same kind of joke.

These comments might upset some. I wont care. Grow thicker skin.

Ok Boomer 😊
In her own words. "How dare you". Hopefully Time magazine isn't actually printing this magazine and filling landfills and wasting precious resources and stealing her adolescents since her childhood was already stolen.
Eats Tide Pods

cinnamon challenge


Dopnt know their sex or which bathroom to use

selfie sticks

perpetually offended by everything

participation trophies

Live off mom and dad

crap music

These young skulls full of mush cant change a tire or do anything unrelated to a computer.

These dumb pugs cant start a lawnmower and they think they can start a revolution.

time person of the year??? Hahahahahahahhah Who knew that was still in publication??? She is a rich puppet and too dumb to know she is being used as a pawn. Epic fail. Libs are so damed stupid, its a shame. Bummer got some useless award for something he didn't do. this is the same kind of joke.

These comments might upset some. I wont care. Grow thicker skin.

You might want to look around at some threads and see how long people get to stay here when they habitutally use terms like Lib/Con, Democrap/Republictard, etc. That kind of tagging/labeling is what has gotten the now-banned members tossed. And, a survey of the politics of those who have gotten tossed for such show good representation from both sides of the political spectrum. When I toss someone from the left side, they like to tell the world I'm a facist right wing crazy. When I toss someone from the right side, then I'm a commie pinko liberal. Puts me, and the tone of this forum, about exactly where I want to be.

The comments don't upset, the ignorance of tagging and labeling people because they have a different perspective is the surrender flag that you have nothing of value to contribute/rebutt/add. And that is what gets people shown the door.

You are already on some thin ice here the way you jumped in and started posting links to your company's YouTube channel. One more comment where you decide to label people you disagree with, whether using terms from the fringe left or fringe right, and the door to this forum will be hitting you in the ass.
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Eats Tide Pods

cinnamon challenge


Dopnt know their sex or which bathroom to use

selfie sticks

perpetually offended by everything

participation trophies

Live off mom and dad

crap music

These young skulls full of mush cant change a tire or do anything unrelated to a computer.

These dumb pugs cant start a lawnmower and they think they can start a revolution.

time person of the year??? Hahahahahahahhah Who knew that was still in publication??? She is a rich puppet and too dumb to know she is being used as a pawn. Epic fail. Libs are so damed stupid, its a shame. Bummer got some useless award for something he didn't do. this is the same kind of joke.

These comments might upset some. I wont care. Grow thicker skin.
Man, had you stuck to restoration posts you'd have had quite ther following around here. But with posts like that I bet you don't last long.
Whether or not this young lady’s plea for action on climate change is just naive youthful exuberance, it is being used for political purposes, and it is working. Especially with other young people. I teach 8th grade, and many, many of my students spend a lot of time thinking about climate change and what could be done to stop it.
Good for them. Climate change and our relationship to the use of energy are some of the most relevent topics of the day. Hopefully those young minds will be positive inovaters to find scientific solutions to environmental impacts/energy needs equation and political solutions to make this a topic that enfranchises everyone rather than allowing R's and D's to stake opposing positions with solutions that ensure their own political well-being over problem solving for the benefit of their constituents.
I asked our older and wiser ( than I ) resident female and she assured me that as long as I am simply stating my opinion, that there is nothing wrong in doing so.

As a young female I find this post offensive. I am not supporting the young underage female or her cause, and I do understand the above attempt at humor, regardless of who the older man is that one might photoshop into the picture.

As to the selection itself for "person of the year" I do not agree with it, however she seems to have been willing to put in the work that it takes to support the "cause' of her choice.

I was asked if this was a 16 year old girl who had spent the time and effort this girl has spent supporting gun rights and hunting, would the posts here be different ?
Glad you spoke up. You did not demean or attack the poster, instead listed your objections. In this case I agree w you that the pedophilia photo was not funny or relevant, just offensive. Even if I didn't agree, I would still support your expression of a differing opinion w justification. Lots of the "men" here could take a lesson from you in how to post dissenting views. Those searching terms such as snowflake, woken, libtard etc. will not find your post. Kudos for that.
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Good for them. Climate change and our relationship to the use of energy are some of the most relevent topics of the day. Hopefully those young minds will be positive inovaters to find scientific solutions to environmental impacts/energy needs equation and political solutions to make this a topic that enfranchises everyone rather than allowing R's and D's to stake opposing positions with solutions that ensure their own political well-being over problem solving for the benefit of their constituents.

My whole job, as I see it at least, is to teach them to think critically about, well, everything, and to be effective communicators. I’ve found that over the past few years, the majority of my students generally find the whole R vs. D thing to be a smoke screen. Most tend to think in terms of issues—it’s their parents who put the whole political party thing in their heads. Probably because that’s the easy route.

It’s funny to me when older folks dismiss young people just for being young, especially with hasty generalizations. Sure, they’re impressionable, just like we all were when we were kids, but folks that think young people can just be disregarded as silly will have another thing coming to them. Just think about all the folks that thought there was NO WAY Donald Trump could win the presidency.
It’s funny to me when older folks dismiss young people just for being young, especially with hasty generalizations.
This is not the case. Same with the tide pod kids anti law abiding citizen ownership of firearms tomfoolery.
These are impressionable kids who's minds are in the learning/developmental phase... vaunted by Yep, you've got it... The adult polarized Democrats (in these two cases) and used as pawns for the politicization of their platform agenda.

Publicly easy to volley a swipe at an adult though more restraint towards our developing youth of today. However, it appears the more children are used as pawns for adult political games, the more these young ones become just another billboard of X party.

Social media is a two edged sword. Parents and schools publicizing the youth should be sure footed in their decision to do such.
However, it appears the more children are used as pawns for adult political games, the more these young ones become just another billboard of X party.

Politicians have been capitalizing on peaks in the zeitgeist since the beginning, and I agree, it’s gross.

My point is that these kids will have a seat at the table not too long from now, and many of them believe they’re inheriting a shit sandwich—and for pretty good reason. If we reduce the conversation to calling them “Tide Pod Kids,” and they in turn call us “Boomers,” then we’re stuck in the same gridlocked circus that we’ve already got right now. I personally think we’d all do pretty well to shut up and listen, and to model the sort of thinking and behavior we’d like to see in others.
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