For those that thought the last presidential election was bizarre..

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I mean... doesn’t the fact that there’s a thread about her on a hunting forum denote that she is an amazing spokes person.

Incredibly polarizing, but hey there is no such thing as bad publicity.

In my mind throwing her on the cover is tacitly saying that climate change is the subject of the year... which it is...I think the Hong Kong protestors would have been better, but more difficult given there isn’t a nationally recognizable figurehead.
Gerald Martin, Big fin, Elkduds and all others who responded, Thank you.

I contacted April before I made my original post. She gave me sound advise, and I followed it.

It was not "political' to me, I would have felt the same way if Clinton, Trump, Gore, Epstein or that Hollywood producer, had been photo shopped into the picture. And she explained why Biden probably worked best in this case ( climate control )

I guess as a young female who has had a few unwanted advances, touching, etc by older men I did not know, it hit a nerve. I obviously missed the humor or at the very least didn't think it was funny, but again April said, "settle down" this wasn't directed at you.

She also used this situation to educate me a bit, when I indicated the poor girl was being "torched". She told me look, if you put yourself out there, as she did, you better be ready for some "hits" from the other side of the issue. And if you can't stand the heat you better get out of the kitchen, or maybe you should not have gotten into the kitchen in the first place whether your 16 or 60.

She also cautioned me that if I was ever to take a stand on the National stage, be prepared to be "used" by both sides of issues. "They" whoever "they" are will be saying things on your behave you never even thought off---anyway---

thank you April, Gerald Martin, Big Fin, Elkduds, and all others. And my apologizes Quackillr, I guess I was just to close to the fire to appreciate the humor.
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All the likes for that offensive remake with Biden.
Why dont you dipshits insert your daughter in that pic?
Pitiful display of why women STILL must fight to be respected and not objectified in this country.
Throw this entire thread in the trash bin.
Politically fueled,degrading rubbish.
Why dont you dipshits insert your daughter in that pic?
I wouldnt exploit or allow others to exploit my child like her parents have for a quick 15 minutes. Therefore my daughter if I had one wouldnt be in a joe biden meme. So call her parents the dipshits not people that choose to not live in SJW land and can still understand the concept of a joke.
I wouldnt exploit or allow others to exploit my child like her parents have for a quick 15 minutes. Therefore my daughter if I had one wouldnt be in a joe biden meme. So call her parents the dipshits not people that choose to not live in SJW land and can still understand the concept of a joke.

You object to standing up for your convictions?
You object to standing up for your convictions?
No, but I understand the consequences for standing up for convictions and accept them.

In this scenario I rather my child be in school getting their education. Instead of traveling around complaining about something they basically know nothing about.
For those of you who are dismissive of climate change, it’s urgency, or it’s implications... I sure hope you are right. But I personally wouldn’t be buying any property in Florida, on the Carolina coast, or lots of other places. I don’t know how it will affect the west that we all love but I’m pretty sure it will. And if raising awareness of issues makes one an idiot then I’m glad there a lot of idiots around. I think when we argue about climate change we arguing about the when and how much, not the if. I sure hope for my children’s sake that I am wrong.
My post was intended entirely as satire and not to offend anyone. If anyone was truly offended by it than My apologies. viral photo making the rounds. Maybe not appropriate for this group.

I have 6 daughters, I think we can all agree that if we’re gonna combat climate change we can start by eliminating the carbon footprint created by pedophiles by tossing them off cliff.

As for times person of the year, child abuse as far as I’m concerned. But I didn’t think we were having a serious discussion about it.
OK Boomer. You still don’t get it. You lost us (people who will be here in 50 years) on this post by saying that you increased your carbon footprint by 3x w/no sense of irony or apology for your arrogance.
Ya bro, I’m 39 , born in 1980... might I ask how your carbon footprint differs from mine?
One kid. That said, I think this is getting personal and not adding to the thread, so if you’d like to continue, please pm me offline. Thanks
I wouldnt exploit or allow others to exploit my child like her parents have for a quick 15 minutes. Therefore my daughter if I had one wouldnt be in a joe biden meme. So call her parents the dipshits not people that choose to not live in SJW land and can still understand the concept of a joke.

If someone saying, “libs are so damn stupid” is worthy of a scolding and threatened ban hammer (which I am fine with), then calling people “dipshits” and using the dismissive “OK Boomer” at least deserve a first warning. I don’t care about left or right or boomer vs millennial, but I do care about keeping the forum civil to allow for intelligent discourse. Seems like there is more than one person on this thread who should tone down the rhetoric a little.
and we wonder where some of the stereotypes for hunters come from.
I’m not taking sides on this issue, and hill jack may have lacked a subtle style on this, but let’s be fair - millions of people who are not hunters are mocking this time magazine choice. Both left and right are quick to hoist up the young as poster children for their causes and they don’t give a damn what the notoriety may do to them. Climate change is an amazingly complex issue with possible solutions that will reshape our society and our planet. The personal opinions of a 16 year old adds nothing substantive to the discussion, it is used to flair emotions on both sides and those promoting these things damn well know it. I hate to see kids used in this way even when I agree with the given underlying position. Politics is a contact sport and we can do better than throwing kids to the machine.
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