Caribou Gear Tarp

For the Griz fans

Nevada has 3 teams on their schedule for next year. Cal Bears, and 2 FCS teams Texas State 6-6 last year, and Northwestern State Demons 5-6 last year. LOL Maybe you should talk to the AD at Nevada and tell them how great they are and not to schedule any inferior FCS teams.

Sam Houston State raped both of those teams last year why would Reno want to play them??? I hope one of those two upset your top fantasy top 25 team, you can tell us what crow tastes like. :D

Haha okay but before you run your mouth do your homework. In the next 3 years our AD has scheduled games with Oregon, Florida State, Arizona, Arizona State, Washington just to mention a few of them. Those teams arent usually in the Top 25 or anything :D Others are Oregon State, Washington State, & UCLA. The later arent premier teams but they come from a premier conference. Ur grizz or bobcats or whoever you root for have been offered FBS positions and YOUR ADs have refused to graduate. With us hawaii and fresno leaving the WAC somebody will have to come up and well just see if your willing to accept losing seasons for the first 5 or 10 years up here. Until then yall can keep chasing that highly coveted FCS Championship that nobody outside of Montana and the Dakotas cares about.
You guys must be bored..

We are talking about Nevada football? Really? Nevada football?
I'm an Irish fan..they have been god awful recently, yet they kicked the holy living hell out of Nevada a couple years ago.
Nevada football? Seriously?? Quit being silly.
You guys must be bored..

We are talking about Nevada football? Really? Nevada football?
I'm an Irish fan..they have been god awful recently, yet they kicked the holy living hell out of Nevada a couple years ago.
Nevada football? Seriously?? Quit being silly.

At least we were ranked last year haha Notre Dame Football hasnt been shit since Weiss
At least we were ranked last year haha Notre Dame Football hasnt been shit since Weiss

They weren't $hit with Weiss either. Still kicked the dog snot out of Nevada.

Again...Nevada football?? Stop the sillyness.
This is like a pair of 10 year olds whipping it out to see whose is bigger. No one cares. If they do, and they're older than 10, it's just weird and inappropriate.
This is like a pair of 10 year olds whipping it out to see whose is bigger. No one cares. If they do, and they're older than 10, it's just weird and inappropriate.

Glad i didnt grow up on Brokeback with your group of friends
Ive been gone a few days and it looks like I missed some good stuff.

SS, Smalls, Jerry. Let's get a few things straight by looking at facts. According to the article Randy posted 21 players were drafted from 126 teams. Since 1990 Montana has had 9 players drafted to the NFL. Mt state has had 5 and north Dakota state has had 6.
Smalls claimed there were a few players on the nd st starting defense that will play in the NFL. I called bs, there is no way nd state has NFL talent for 25% of it's starting defense. I stand behind my statement that "this level of talent does not exist in Fcs". There are not many teams in fbs that have 25% NFL talent on their starting defense/offense. If you really believe your teams are that loaded with NFL talent you are drunk on Fcs cool aid.
I was honestly surprised only 21 players from 126 teams were drafted so the league is actually weaker than i expected. The draft numbers don't lie and with only 6 players drafted in the last 20 years there is no way you have 3-4 on defense right now at nd st. Have some more cool aid.

Shoots strait, telling me that you root against all Oklahoma teams is hilarious. Reminds me of something a 5 year old would say. I don't think the schools in Oklahoma care much who you root for. You might get a chance to play an Oklahoma team soon. Oklahoma baptist is starting a football squad and I think it is a Fcs level team. You should have rooted against oral Roberts the other night. They beat nd st. Pretty sad when you compete against bible schools with less than 4 thousand students in your own conference. How does it feel to get beat by oral roberts? Does it make your team feel good to play schools less than half your size?
Honestly the montana schools and nd state are similar in size to Wyoming but choose to compete against lesser competition. Basically underachievers athletically and academically is the only reason I can think of.
I actually enjoyed Boise st beating OU as well. I was hoping they woul make it in the big 12. Now they are stuck in a basketball conference with an exit fee they can't afford to pay even if they got an invite from the big 12. Not to mention their new conference isn't any better then where they left as far as competition in football.

What did the bison win for being Fcs champs? I know espn aired the games for free since not enough people watch.
Ive been gone a few days and it looks like I missed some good stuff.

SS, Smalls, Jerry. Let's get a few things straight by looking at facts. According to the article Randy posted 21 players were drafted from 126 teams. Since 1990 Montana has had 9 players drafted to the NFL. Mt state has had 5 and north Dakota state has had 6.
Smalls claimed there were a few players on the nd st starting defense that will play in the NFL. I called bs, there is no way nd state has NFL talent for 25% of it's starting defense. I stand behind my statement that "this level of talent does not exist in Fcs". There are not many teams in fbs that have 25% NFL talent on their starting defense/offense. If you really believe your teams are that loaded with NFL talent you are drunk on Fcs cool aid.
I was honestly surprised only 21 players from 126 teams were drafted so the league is actually weaker than i expected. The draft numbers don't lie and with only 6 players drafted in the last 20 years there is no way you have 3-4 on defense right now at nd st. Have some more cool aid.

Shoots strait, telling me that you root against all Oklahoma teams is hilarious. Reminds me of something a 5 year old would say. I don't think the schools in Oklahoma care much who you root for. You might get a chance to play an Oklahoma team soon. Oklahoma baptist is starting a football squad and I think it is a Fcs level team. You should have rooted against oral Roberts the other night. They beat nd st. Pretty sad when you compete against bible schools with less than 4 thousand students in your own conference. How does it feel to get beat by oral roberts? Does it make your team feel good to play schools less than half your size?
Honestly the montana schools and nd state are similar in size to Wyoming but choose to compete against lesser competition. Basically underachievers athletically and academically is the only reason I can think of.
I actually enjoyed Boise st beating OU as well. I was hoping they woul make it in the big 12. Now they are stuck in a basketball conference with an exit fee they can't afford to pay even if they got an invite from the big 12. Not to mention their new conference isn't any better then where they left as far as competition in football.

What did the bison win for being Fcs champs? I know espn aired the games for free since not enough people watch.

You represent your area well. That's why I root against any schools from down there.
Interesting... UM Griz vs SamH game was $25 to watch... Suppose some teams are more lucrative $ wise to watch. ;)

I meant espn did not pay the league, conference, school like they do for fbs bowl games. I didn't realize you had to pay to watch the game. Espn aired the other football championship that Pitt st Kansas won on espn2 in this region.
You represent your area well. That's why I root against any schools from down there.


I think we're all missing the point here. College football sucks in general--I mean if we're bagging on 1-aa for being inferior, my guess is that even the lowly St. Louis Rams could beat any BCS college football team. Therefore, why waste our time with an inferior product when we could be watching the nfl:rolleyes:?

I think we're all missing the point here. College football sucks in general--I mean if we're bagging on 1-aa for being inferior, my guess is that even the lowly St. Louis Rams could beat any BCS college football team. Therefore, why waste our time with an inferior product when we could be watching the nfl:rolleyes:?

It's not about being inferior, it's about being realistic about the talent level of your team. Around here we call people who always think there team is better than they are "homers". OU homers always think they are going to have a national championship team even if it is anrebuilding year. Same with notre dame fans who always predict a BCS bowl but end up lucky to get in a bowl. We had a nd st homer who boasted 25% of his starting defense was NFL bound.

I don't know about all the name calling and other stuff that was said, hackers right?

College football is more exciting because of the connection as students. Most of us will never work for a NFL team but we will propably have a connection to a college level team as a student or living in a college town or having a family member attend. Not to mention by the time they make it to the NFL most players have huge egos and play for the $.
Wyoming, I may be a child rooting against any OK team, but your whole post is ignorant. Nobody ever claimed that the athletic quality of the FCS was as good as the FBS. You can continue to move on down the scale. Division 2 teams aren't as good as FCS, and 3 are even worse. Your walking around with a 2 x 10 on your shoulder looking for a fight. In Montana we stay in the smaller sub division so our kids have a chance to play ball and get scholarships for school. You do know that the FCS gives out less, RIGHT? If we moved up, less Montana kids would be playing. In no time though we would be kicking OK ass, just as Boise did. Some Montana boys aren't playing FCS, they moved right on up to the FBS. Brock Osweiler from Kalispell went to Arizona State, and will go into the NFL draft this year. Another kid from Montana with outstanding athletic ability is Miller from Helena, He broke records for a freshman receiver at Boise State this year. Remember Montana is a state with less than a Million people to choose from. For our numbers, and resources, we play a high caliber of football. Hope that doesn't threaten your dominance.

Ok State got their ass whipped by Stanford, 3 field goals missed by a freshman kicker gave those low life's the win.
Wyoming556- On current NFL rosters, it looks like the University of Montana has 8 current players...2 made it to the pro bowl last year and 1 was named the special teams player of the year for the Eagles this year. Currently OSU has 13. I'm not sure that is huge desparity of NFL goes without saying Oklahoma State does have a much better football program. The University of Montana isn't set up to compete at that hope is that they never do. There seems to be too many problems at that = corruption.

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