Football General Talk

This can be said about a lot of games. No excuses. mtmuley
While true, I think you missed his point.

I'll add Purdy was exceptionally good at avoiding sacks.

Purdy and Taylor hate lives larger and in more heads rent free than anything and everything Cowboys. That amuses me

;) :)
While true, I think you missed his point.

I'll add Purdy was exceptionally good at avoiding sacks.

Purdy and Taylor hate lives larger and in more heads rent free than anything and everything Cowboys. That amuses me

;) :)
I didn't miss the point. Stuff like that happens in every game. mtmuley
I enjoyed the game. Made fun of Taylor to annoy my wife and daughter, but honestly feel that duo Swift/Kelce are decent people at heart.
In my mind SF wasn't gonna beat Mahomes if the score was close.
Mahomes is only 28. Crazy.
Which team is going to step up next year?
Yes you did and still are. It was a point about a single player, which is why it is valid
Your counter is only valid at a team level.

my god I can't believe I'm defending buzz. I might need an emergency intervention
Sorry. No point missed. Saying Purdy would have won the game if not for mistakes is the point I see. They lost. mtmuley
Great game
QB play great by both
Lots & Lots of no call, no comment OL holding
niners CM hard running/explosive & receivers hard running after the catch
Mahomes made the big plays he needed to, finds a way to win
Ok, I hate on Kelce. Pfizer endorses 20 million poor character dude. Punk no doubt, proves before/during and after
This is entertaining. Fans of fringe playoff teams coming out of the woodwork to shit on the 49ers for loosing the Superbowl in a highly competitive fashion to Mr Magic himself.

Has anyone ever been attacked by a chicken?
You can beat the shit out of a chicken and he will still strut around you like he won afterwards. They are too stupid to see reality.
I wasn't. Too much history from the 80's and 90's. My dislike for them started the second Dwight Clark caught that ball. mtmuley

So you should understand that my dislike of the Cowboys goes back to Drew Pearson pushing off the db for crucial reception. It's pretty amazing how long a grudge can last. I liked the Cowboys in the Dan Reeves, Walt Garrison, Don Meredith era.
I wasn't gonna, but what the heck. mtmuley
That's crazy. Kyle also called a bunch of naked bootleg passes with the defense blitzing right behind Purdy. They also ran one running play in the first three possessions of the second half. These were major factors in why they lost.
Keep Strutting.

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