Football General Talk

Zeke said to be released from the ‘boys. Where will he end up?
If a team doesn’t pick him up does he count against federal unemployment numbers since he doesn’t have a job but Jerry is still paying him millions?

And what the heck is going on with Rodgers? Giving the Jets a demand list of players while making sound bites against the packers and the packers are making soundbites against Rodgers!
Gotta admit, the Prima Donnaness of Rodgers is a perfect fit for NYC and if they can just add OBJ to the mix, they can have Prima Donnaness squared. That will below the media to pieces.
As a Vikings fan, Jordan Love worries me more than Rodgers now.
As he should - recent Vikings' defenses have made many 2nd string caliber QBs look like Brady/Manning. But no way he ever makes All Pro or first-selection Pro Bowl.
We shall see. I think he could quite easily. But for the Vike's sake, I hope not. One things for sure, he won't be messing up the mindset in the locker room like Diva ARod.
We shall see. I think he could quite easily. But for the Vike's sake, I hope not. One things for sure, he won't be messing up the mindset in the locker room like Diva ARod.
That's what they said when Favre left ;) Something in the water (beer) in Green Bay.
If a team doesn’t pick him up does he count against federal unemployment numbers since he doesn’t have a job but Jerry is still paying him millions?

And what the heck is going on with Rodgers? Giving the Jets a demand list of players while making sound bites against the packers and the packers are making soundbites against Rodgers!
Media drama bullshit. None of those demands are true. I absolutely cant stand these clickbait talking point nozzles in sports media. Did the same bullshit with stefon Diggs. Fake news for a juicy headline and talking point.
Be nice if Bijan was still around when they pick . . .
1st round on a RB is a wasted pick in the modern NFL - only one team in last decade was driven by a RB (and even then they threw a 1 yd slant on the last play). So, yes, please do waste your pick. Just look at the recent cuts and salaries for how RBs are valued by teams compared to CBs, WRs, QBs, Edge Rushers, DTs, OTs, etc.
I agree, but that is because our D will still suck and we will be 8-9 or so this year, but not because of Love. Love will be the 4th best QB in the division.
I think more like 11 and 6. Not worse that 10 and 7, and Love might be 2nd best QB in the division. But to be honest. There is no clear order of teams in my mind (that is not saying much, of course).
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Caribou Gear

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