Folks in SW Montana Looking to Do Something (B-D RAC)

Nameless Range

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Western Montana
The Beaverhead Deerlodge (B-D) National Forest is looking for Resource Advisory Committee members. The B-D is one of Montana's most heavily utilized NFs, and is also one with a future that will be dependent on the participation of citizens. Most of it currently has no travel management, but they have begun the multi-year process to rectify that. It arguably has the elkiest chunks of Montana, and a wide recreation opportunity spectrum.

They've put out emails, facebook posts, and more about how they need members for the RACs associated with the forest, and if any HuntTalkers were looking to get involved, I think it would be a great opportunity to influence management on the forest and meet a lot of folks who do.
Here's their most recent social media post on the opportunity:

Good evening. We are still searching for members of our public who represent interest in motorized use, timber, environmental groups, County Commissioners, organized labor, dispersed recreation activities, historical interests, school officials or teachers, and many other areas of emphasis in our unique communities to be members on our Resource Advisory Committees.

Members do need to reside in Montana, and it’s preferred they live in one of the following counties (as the Secure Rural Schools funding is driven at the county level):

TriCounty RAC: Powell, Granite and Deer Lodge counties
Southwest Montana RAC: Madison, Beaverhead, Jefferson and Silver Bow Counties.

If you have a vested interest in a particular area related to the Forest and live in one of this counties, please consider giving voice to that by joining a RAC. RAC Coordinator Megan Mullowney can be contacted at [email protected]

Thanks for posting this. I sent my email to put my name in.

In technical terms what RACs do is: weigh in on the approval/disapproval of projects that improve the maintenance of existing infrastructure, implement stewardship objectives that enhance forest ecosystems, restore and improve land health, fish and wildlife habitat, and water quality. RACs also review and make recommendations on recreation fee proposals submitted by the local National Forests.

That's kind of a bland description. Some cool examples of things RACs have been involved with across MT are:

  • Specific roads and trails maintenance,
  • Funding the hiring of seasonal trails crews
  • Funding the hiring of temporary rangers in high-use areas
  • Fish Habitat Restoration
  • Weed control in focused areas (Holland Lake for example)
  • Paying for monitoring and/or studies in areas
  • Funding Montana Conservation Corps work
  • Trail re-routes
  • Funding the decommissioning of roads
  • Funding Bear Attractant Removal and Bear Conflict Solutions
  • Funding avalanche forecasting
  • In the past five years, the RACs have approved more than $3.5 million in funding for projects that benefit National Forest system lands.
  • And a bunch more...

    For one, I think it would be really cool to get to hear about these types of proposals in necks of the woods you love. In addition, you could be a part of using your local knowledge in directing priorities. Even more, you could meet some really great folks. I hate the term and idea of networking, but building relationships with people in these worlds is rewarding and can be really useful for better-implementing your own conservation-minded goals. There's so many needs on the landscape.
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