Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Flyer with best groups.

Yeah I'm not going to mess with this load anymore. That first group is the best group I have ever shot with any gun. Not bad for a riffle that cost $350 with the scope. I bought this gun as a backup and to use for practice.

Now I need to work up a practice load that doesent cost so much. I tried some test loads with 143 eldx and h4350 but they didn't work too well SD's were great but groups were 1.5 to 3moa.
I've been having a ton of luck with Nosler RDF bullets. I snagged a few thousand awhile back for about 1/3 the cost of the Barnes bullet. definitely a consistent target bullet
I hear a lot of good things about ELD-X bullet's. But tried working up a load for them in a friends 7mm mag and they didn't work at all. So now the wind quits here and I'm gonna go shoot some test loads with reg inter lock bullet's.
I have a Savage .308 that shoots one hole every time. It will hit a one inch dot at 100 yards every time, first shot. Second shot? Probably. Third shot? Maybe. Downhill from there. I just appreciate it for what it is, a really accurate one shot rifle. :)
Judging from your pic I think it's a scope/mount issue but need a little more info. Seems like your POI is shifting. Do you have a pic of both groups on the same target?
What scope is it? What mounts?
I think poi shift is due to my inconsistent head placement between groups. Poi shift was 1/2" . Scope is cheap weaver kaspa that came with the gun. I changed the mount for a DNZ one pice. The gun seems to hold zero.
1 1/2MOA from a cheap savage rifle isn't bad. If your after that consistent 1/2MOA IMO I would bed the lug, free float the barrel and swap to a proven scope then retest.
I bought this gun as a backup and to use for practice.

I got a cheap used .243 for the same reason. Nothing for practice like a gun that'll do 2-400 yards with super low recoil. Pretty sure recoil out if a .243 is half that of a .270. Too bad it isn't cooperating. Hopefully it should be worth it after you get it finished.
Caribou Gear

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