Florida flat lander with a mountain problem…


Mar 6, 2017
Hello all, finally getting around to introducing myself and hopefully will be an active contributor. I’m from the FL coast, grew up fishing, surfing, farming, and hunting anything and everything FL has to offer from squirrels to gators. Within the last 6 years or so started venturing out west to chase antelope and elk mostly. At first I started going out west with work (I work for the Forest Service and occasionally fight wildfires across the country), but then fell in love with running, hunting and hiking mountains. My wife and I run ultra-marathons and running 100 miles in FL is nothing compared to running that in the CO mountains! I’m addicted and just got done summiting my first few 14ers in CO!
Other than finding any excuse to road-trip to WY, MT, CO or any other western state I stay busy raising two boys, maintaining a small farm, hunting, fishing, surfing, running and Jiu Jitsu, oh yeah and my day job working for the Forest Service.
If anyone ever needs info or advice on FL don’t hesitate to reach out, also worked in Hawaii and on the White River NF in CO so can give insight for those places too.
Thanks and looking forward to being a part of this group!
Welcome Pa guy here
Good hello post, and you'll find some great info and good folks here
Welcome from PA!
Hello all, finally getting around to introducing myself and hopefully will be an active contributor. I’m from the FL coast, grew up fishing, surfing, farming, and hunting anything and everything FL has to offer from squirrels to gators. Within the last 6 years or so started venturing out west to chase antelope and elk mostly. At first I started going out west with work (I work for the Forest Service and occasionally fight wildfires across the country), but then fell in love with running, hunting and hiking mountains. My wife and I run ultra-marathons and running 100 miles in FL is nothing compared to running that in the CO mountains! I’m addicted and just got done summiting my first few 14ers in CO!
Other than finding any excuse to road-trip to WY, MT, CO or any other western state I stay busy raising two boys, maintaining a small farm, hunting, fishing, surfing, running and Jiu Jitsu, oh yeah and my day job working for the Forest Service.
If anyone ever needs info or advice on FL don’t hesitate to reach out, also worked in Hawaii and on the White River NF in CO so can give insight for those places too.
Thanks and looking forward to being a part of this group!
another welcome aboard from PA!

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