
Fleets of ATVs swarming the forests....

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
BEST town on EARTH
I drive the Interstate 50 miles a day, and see the ATV hunters coming and going in drones... one little raghorn is all I've seen so far in with the ATVs.. You'd think with all that impressive horsepower the ATV guys would have it figured out. Apparently not.

Thats my ATV laying in the snow behind me.
The guy who took the photo.. much better than any ATV, and even better than a horse or mule. I forgave him for leaving the Slovakian Celebration Vodka at camp the first morning of the hunt.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-21-2003 00:06: Message edited by: Greenhorn ]</font>

Have you thrown a tape measure on that thing yet??

I have yet to meet the first person who will tell me that "Since I bought the ATV, I kill more and bigger Elk...."

Instead, most of them I talk to say "I don't know what happened to all the Elk, we rode 25 miles, and didn't see a single Elk. The Wolves must have ate them all, damn Wolves..."

I actually think many of the Fat-Assed ATV Crowd are just afraid of using a Pack Frame. It is amazing how quickly an Elk gets to the Rig, if you just cut it up, and strap it on...

We always have this Mountain Top discussion after an Elk is tipped over:
"Should we drive back to the valley and get the horses?"

"How long will that take?"

"Four Hours"
"Plus another couple of hours to get them to the Elk"

"And if we just grab the pack frames?"

"Two trips each, and we will be done by dark"

"Screw the horses...."
Greenhorn, I really admire your photography skills, but you gotta start standing farther behind the elk so they look bigger!

I agree, all that horsepower doesn't seem to result in many animals----especially big ones!
One would think that with all those ATV riders running all over the place but not killing anything, that would leave more/bigger bulls for you.
I read in the news paper that the elk herds are growing, and still you complain.
I would think that you would welcome their money to the sport, and their probability for lack of success.
Yet, you continue to whine.

BTW, real nice bull.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-21-2003 09:44: Message edited by: Ten Bears ]</font>
Nice bull Greenhorn, Score that thing will ya, i guess things are a little "differant" down here in Zona, the only "fleet" of quads that i`ve ever seen being driven thru the forest were driven by U.S. Forest service.
Ithaca, you mean you DON'T believe it's beam is as think as my torso? What?!?

Ten beers, don't let those noxious fumes from your Super Duty Polaris King Quad kill any more brain cells. You're confusing whining and complaining with ridicule and disgust. I always know it's gonna be funny when I read a post from you that starts out... "One would think..."
Greenbhorn, i think that his beam is as thick as your torso, that is a very nice elk, maybe one day i will kill one withing 50-75 inches of that size but you know the thin antlered idaho bulls don't get that big,

i will see if i can dig up a picture of a bull that loos almost as big as yours that scores 344 p&y so i am guessing your bull to be anywhere from 330-355 (am i even close)
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