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Fixing Western Hunting

For now. There are a lot of previously really shitty places to live that have exploded, for one reason or another, it just takes time.

There ain't a whole lot of prettier places in this country than WY
Yup, like I said, eventually.

There’s only one reason why I’m saying not yet. My dad is the toughest man I know. Last year was the first time I’ve ever heard him cuss at the wind. Literally.
let the market decide everything. Sealed online bids for every tag. Put everyone on the same playing field in every state.
Transferable land owner tags, sounds good.
Outfitter tags, checks in the mail.
Online bidding for OIL tags yearly… let’s do it.
Lease sole use federal concessions to outfitters… do it.
if it’s isn’t a national park, give it up to the states. Take it off the federal dole. Let’s see how the states handle it. The residents of the state can pick up the entire tab for the administration and management. They can’t afford it? Too bad.
if it’s isn’t a national park, give it up to the states. Take it off the federal dole. Let’s see how the states handle it. The residents of the state can pick up the entire tab for the administration and management. They can’t afford it? Too bad.
Sheesh I like federal land. When I die I guarantee I will not have hiked every ridge that I’ve wanted to. Kind of nice to have a places to go do that. Most the time I don’t have a rifle in my hand but I still enjoy the heck out of them.
Sheesh I like federal land. When I die I guarantee I will not have hiked every ridge that I’ve wanted to. Kind of nice to have a places to go do that. Most the time I don’t have a rifle in my hand but I still enjoy the heck out of them.

Well hopefully the states will sell you a permit 🤷🏻‍♂️
If you haven’t found ways to enjoy public land without blowing a hole through something I feel bad for you.
I don’t blow holes in anything, but I might fling an arrow or too.
Dont worry about me, appreciate your concern. I will be able to buy a state permit I am sure.

Let’s talk about elk tag auctions! Let’s bid. The state needs money .
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One thing I learned in life. When a guy throws the “money don’t matter “ line around….thats the guy that money matters to. Those that have money know money matters.

All these residents on here that enjoy NR subsidies in the form of fleecing NRs at every turn and then claim they would pick up the full tab…they are first ones that would run to bathroom when the check hits the table.
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On thing I learned in life. When a guy throws the “money don’t matter “ line around….thats the guy that money matters to. Those that have money know money matters.

All these residents on here that enjoy NR subsidies in the form of fleecing NRs at every turn and then claim they would pick up the full tab…they are first ones that would run to bathroom when the check hits the table.
Utah sounds nice. You got Jimmy John money I think you should get to it.
Wanna bet you can be outbid?
Everyone on this board can be outbid, unless Zuck or Musk has gained an interest in hunting.

Has there ever been discussion of turning WY pref points into bonus points? I'm not even sure why I ask, because I don't care. I just think of crazy stuff that might happen.
Hunting and fishing were the reasons I moved back to MT after 8 years studying elsewhere. And it was and continues to be a massive pay cut, with politics moving far away from the more reasonable MT of my youth, and a pretty abysmal dating scene. There may be plenty of fish, but they are swimming in a different sea. I also won't be buying a home anytime soon.

On the plus side, that means the disposable income I do have gets entirely devoted 100% to hunting and fishing. On the minus, the disposable time I have gets almost entirely devoted 100% for advocating for hunting and fishing.
Same reason we decided to move here 33 years ago. When you consider I took a 30% pay cut and Mrs. Fin took a 60% pay cut, the cost of our resident tags was over $15,000 in our first year of residency; 1992. More every year after that.

When I was at the legislature one time a smart ass Rep asked me why I got so worked up over a $12 elk tag. I told him these were $20,000 elk tags for some of us.

The same applies for people who decide to stay here when they could make a lot more elsewhere. Many living in the west for the outdoor life make some huge financial sacrifices for that, both in terms of lower income and much higher costs of living.

None of that changes the issues that we face that are at the core of these threads. Hopefully it gives some reasoning to the comments of “move here if you want the same hunting.” I understand that comes off as being a smart ass when western residents say it, but there is a good bit of reasoning behind it; they have made, and make every year, a significant financial sacrifice to have that residency status. And as @neffa3 stated, nobody who makes that smart ass comment actually wants 100K people coming to a town near them.

I spent four days in Seattle last week meeting with folks who are fighting that craziness of the game commission out there. In the course of discussions it comes up how they'd like to just leave for ID, MT, and WY. Many of them know someone who already has moved or someone who has a near-term plan to do that. Probably half of them just can't do it because of the financial realities of a higher cost of living in places they could get a job and the job would be at a lower salary, or kids in school, or caring for an aging parent. To their credit, many of them are sticking it out in WA and fighting the fight. I admire them.

As has been said many times, by me and many others, a lot of these problems are lessened if we get back to higher animal numbers, a solution not included in the OP. If we can get back to those higher numbers, a majority of that policy battle and hands-on work will likely be done by residents. Not that non-residents don't want to help, it's just a function of distance, geography, and political residency.

These type of discussions, though well-intentioned and with much thought by the OP, do nothing to solve the bigger problem - smaller and decreasing herd numbers. The suggestions tossed out in this thread and focusing the fight on R v. NR is waiving the surrender flag and resolving to just fight over the remaining scraps. I refuse to succumb to that scarcity mindset. Maybe I'll be proven a fool. I'll go down with that ship before I will fight over who gets to kill the last critter.
Everyone on this board can be outbid, unless Zuck or Musk has gained an interest in hunting.

Has there ever been discussion of turning WY pref points into bonus points? I'm not even sure why I ask, because I don't care. I just think of crazy stuff that might happen.
Probably a thread on it somewhere
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