Fishing suggestions in Saskatchawan


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
Billings, MT
I am looking for suggestions for a fishing trip to Canada, probably Saskatchewan as being from Montana I believe we could drive there. I have 3 boys and we are finally getting close to the point where they are all through with college and settled. I would like to take them on a trip to a lake up north to fish for pike and walleye. I don't want guided but was thinking about a lodge on a lake that supplied a place to stay and a boat. Anyone have any suggestions? TIA (oh and I didn't just join and I am not looking for anyone's hot spots lol)
used to hunt around Lake Diefenbaker in SK, all the locals seem to focus on lake trout and there are some hog walleyes in there
Last Mountain Lake - you can get plenty of info off web. I have also hunted geese there.
additionally, reindeer lake and canoe lake has really good fishing. buy several 4oz spoons and steel leaders cause the pike will wear out both in a day if the fishing is good.
Besnard Lake.

It has a campground and also places to rent boats.

I always hauled my own but the rentals are pretty decent.

Also a Lodge to stay in if you don't want to camp but the campground has showers and all the necessary amenities.

I've been there many a time.

Late addition: I see you're from Helena. Besnard is about a 15 hour drive. You go up through Swift Current, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and turn off the highway about an hour south of La Ronge and head west/northwest.

Great place!
Lake athapapawska is on the Saskatchewan and Manitoba border. It is drive to but still remote and has big pike, lots of walleye and trout too
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