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first wyoming hunt from 10/16


Active member
Feb 9, 2016
Berwick, PA

I haven't had time to do a write up about my hunt. Thanks to some of you on here for helping out on some questions I had. I ended up having a great trip to a left over area, I did not draw a deer tag but seen a few deer. This year I will have a deer tag with me also, now hunting out west is all I can think about. So I got there 2 days early and scouted the unit a bunch, found lots of antelope and decided on a few that were a ways off the road. I walked in about 1.5 hours before light and got into a place I wanted to be to glass and as daylight came I saw a small buck about 100 yards away that I left go then I moved over a knoll to another spot and there was a heard of about a dozen with this buck in the group I decided to shoot him. I quartered and caped him and made it back to the truck around lunch time. The few days after that produced 2 more doe. My wife said after eating them that I should go do this every year so that's a plus. Thank you to everyone who helped make my first antelope trip a success.


now hunting out west is all I can think about.

I LIVE in WY, and hunting here is all I can think about it seems.

My wife said after eating them that I should go do this every year so that's a plus. Thank you to everyone who helped make my first antelope trip a success.

That's great. After my first season of having two antelope tags, I said to my wife, "I think I'll only get one antelope tag next year." She replied, "Really!? I was going to suggest getting three." Silly me!! Antelope is easily the most loved meat in my house. We ate our first muley backstrap a few days ago. It's like night and day. It was so tough compared to antelope.
Antelope is great. Make we wonder why people call them range maggots.

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