First Suspected U.S. Mad Cow Case Found


A Canadian official chidded the cattle producer that brought the infecteted cow to market. Apparently the rancher was new to the business. The official made a remark if I recall correctly, commenting that most ranchers know better than to bring sick cows to market. Would lead me to believe that the official knows of other cases that were not reported. Maybe he just made a stupid statement, I do not know, but good reason to ban beef imports from Canada.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-26-2003 13:28: Message edited by: BHR ]</font>
It's been confirmed due to the meticulous record keeping that the Canadian Gov't requires that the infected cow did indeed originate in Canada along with 73 others not yet accounted for....
Dang guys! I'm just about to become a vegetarian! Anybody know how to stalk corn or when tomatoes are in season??
Yukon Hunter,
The fact is that processed boxed beef has been allowed to be shipped into the U.S. from Canada for nearly a full year. In addition the price for calves in Canada was nearly the same as the price recieved in the U.S. The only thing which were way down was older cull cows they were worthless because they could not be slaughtered and shipped. The only thing which is closed is live cattle. Just as Canada has banned live cattle shipped from the U.S.
The international protocal is to ban all products from an infected country for 7 years.
We agreed to accept boxed beef because it is a proven fact that BSE does not occur in beef cattle that are under age 30 months.
The closure of the border has had an impact here in my area because nearly half of the annual calf crop went to Canadian feedlots. In addition many of those calves were on retained ownership and the guys down here also lost a lot of money.
It is not just a one way street with the Canadian cattlemen getting screwed by the U.S. government. It does happen on both sides of the border.
May be you just don't understand that the Canadian Government isn't perfect either but I am sure tired of you constantly thinking that every problem starts with George Bush.
The fact again are that we need to trade with you and you need to trade with us. We wish it wasn't that way but it is. We better find a way to get along or both of our economies will be hurt.
Maybe you could find a positive thing to say about something then again probably not.


P.S. I love to travel to Canada and have serveral Canadian friends. Not all of them think like you.
That's an interesting response to a post in which I lauded our government (which I normally detest) for not taking the same drastic measures your Administration took against our beef industry, and wished for the best for the American beef industry.
I'm not sure where your info is coming from. Maybe you are much better aquainted with the facts than I am. Odd that you would say, then, that the boxed beef ban has been lifted for almost a year, as our BSE case only occurred in May. The boxed beef ban was lifted in mid-August, and boxed beef wasn't moved across the border until September.
Canada has banned only some processed beef products, while allowing dairy products, live cattle, and boneless beef from cattle 30 months of age or younger at slaughter. We did not respond in kind, a move which might work in our favour, particularly if that cow in Washington turns out to have originated in Canada, as is now suspected. My last post was intended to say, hey, that's a tough road, I hope you guys don't have too hard a time with it. You, evidently, took it some other way. I think the problem here is one of interpretation.
As for the rest of your post, you seem to be interested in battle. As this post may have been sent in haste, I will, respectfully, decline at this time. I'm trying to play nice.
You are right about the timelines. Sorry for the negative post. I didn't research it completely. No I am not looking for a battle. I was attempting to point out that it has not been all gravy for the beef producers in my area, (north east MT) as they lost a market for their calves. BSE is a bad deal for for both sides of the border and I leave it at that.
Well shoot; what's a guy going to do?? Become a farmer maybe?? I got a book around here somewhere that tells you how to self support a four person family completely on a five acre tract. I think we have 6 and a third acres with two rentals. Don't know how to handle my coffee though. I'm fairly certain Juan Valdez has been grinding coca leaves into my Columbian bean mix!
Some real good info there YH.
From what you have included I would think that most any beef product other than ground beef, brain, and ox tails would approach one hundred percent safety that is from MCD. (Irradiated tomatoes, chemical corn, and MCD burger; man I'm craving a bowl of vegetable soup!)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> what's a guy going to do?? Become a farmer maybe?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Shoot a deer or elk and hope it doesn't have CWD, EHD, or any other combinations of the alphabet!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I'm trying to play nice.
Gee, YH, I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Latest news I've seen is meat from this infected cow either has been or might have been shipped to eight states.

I don't see this particular tidbit as a real threat but then again there is so much misinformation out about BSE it's hard to take any of it too seriously.
Well IMO i think the whole thing is getting way to much press, i`ve seen the same cow falling down in the news for 4 days straight!, nothing wrong with keeping an eye on the situation, but i see an overeaction from the mainstream press, they suck and i`m eating a filet mignon,w/ baked potato,garlic toast,broccoli,and a coke mmmm good stuff.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> i`m eating a filet mignon,w/ baked potato,garlic <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Would anybody be able to tell if you were inflicted????

Actually, I think all the coverage is good, and it will probably bring about the reforms needed. Go to a public livestock sale, and tell me you would eat the meat on some of those critters.
Gunner your talking to a guy who eats "road kill" and some of you think i`m crazy anyway, except i`m "sophisticated crazy" and i would eat my own meat if i could reach it.
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