Kenetrek Boots

First Sleep Over: Do I Have Everything?

If you are going alone, make sure you leave detailed directions of where you are going with your wife. Have fun and good luck.
If you are going alone, make sure you leave detailed directions of where you are going with your wife. Have fun and good luck.

Yes I will be going by myself. I will surely leave my wife exactly where my truck will be, and about the area I should be in.

Thank you.
This trip wasn't a success in the fact that I didn't see or get an opportunity at a bear. What made it successful to me was experience gained. Last time I was here these drainages and peaks whooped my butt. After that I told myself I won't be that out of shape again. This time I was all over this mountain with ease, and more stuff in my pack.

It was an awesome experience, and next time for sure I'm brining sleeping pills. Don't see or hear anything all day, but at night they all want to start moving around lol!


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Looks like a good time and you probably figured out a few things about gear and food.

I know on my first sleep overs I would always be thinking whether I should just leave before she woke up or leave while I know she's awake but pretending to sleep OR stay for round 2 and breakfast.

Maybe not quite the same considerations on this sleep over?
In my single days, "love" meant sleeping over, even if she wasn't making breakfast.
Looks like a pretty well thought out pack. The fun part is figuring out what you don't need.

Maybe take some more kuiu, I don't think you have enough. :rolleyes:

If Kuiu would just make a prepackaged kits for x number of day adventures, they'd sell like hot cakes. They would obviously need to come up with cool names so we'd all know what "package" you were "running." It would include everything from underwear to food.

My suggestions:
2-day kit - The One Night Stand (everything you need to make it through the night, but without the shame of knowing you could have used Sitka)
3-day kit - The Bender (basically the One Night Stand, but with two additional Muscle Milks, and a MTN OPS shirt or flatty to sleep in)
7-day kit - The Survivor (it would be customized based on your animal size targeted, I would suggest exclude game bags and knife, and replace them with a vanity mirror and selfie stick)
10-day kit - The Traditional (based on a 10 day traditional sheep hunt needs, but would be geared for 10 days of ATV'n for pronghorn with 8 of your closest Kuiu clad friends)
14-day kit - Beast-ish Mode (no trade mark infringements) This would include everything available in all previous kits, an EPIRB, plus a signed picture of Cam and a yellow wrist band.
I like to rock Kuiu pants, a firstlite top, patagonia fleece, sitka shooting vest, and a real tree hat to make sure I have every hunting community niche group equally against me... and sometimes I go into the field with a rifle and a trad bow just to make sure my bases are really covered :)
Looks like a pretty well thought out pack. The fun part is figuring out what you don't need.

If Kuiu would just make a prepackaged kits for x number of day adventures, they'd sell like hot cakes. They would obviously need to come up with cool names so we'd all know what "package" you were "running." It would include everything from underwear to food.

My suggestions:
2-day kit - The One Night Stand (everything you need to make it through the night, but without the shame of knowing you could have used Sitka)
3-day kit - The Bender (basically the One Night Stand, but with two additional Muscle Milks, and a MTN OPS shirt or flatty to sleep in)
7-day kit - The Survivor (it would be customized based on your animal size targeted, I would suggest exclude game bags and knife, and replace them with a vanity mirror and selfie stick)
10-day kit - The Traditional (based on a 10 day traditional sheep hunt needs, but would be geared for 10 days of ATV'n for pronghorn with 8 of your closest Kuiu clad friends)
14-day kit - Beast-ish Mode (no trade mark infringements) This would include everything available in all previous kits, an EPIRB, plus a signed picture of Cam and a yellow wrist band.

Bambistew, did you get their latest catalog? It wasn't far off from that. I think you are looking for their mid/late season backpack kit -

At least they don't donate to Big Game Forever like Sitka! ;)
Looks like a pretty well thought out pack. The fun part is figuring out what you don't need.

If Kuiu would just make a prepackaged kits for x number of day adventures, they'd sell like hot cakes. They would obviously need to come up with cool names so we'd all know what "package" you were "running." It would include everything from underwear to food.

My suggestions:
2-day kit - The One Night Stand (everything you need to make it through the night, but without the shame of knowing you could have used Sitka)
3-day kit - The Bender (basically the One Night Stand, but with two additional Muscle Milks, and a MTN OPS shirt or flatty to sleep in)
7-day kit - The Survivor (it would be customized based on your animal size targeted, I would suggest exclude game bags and knife, and replace them with a vanity mirror and selfie stick)
10-day kit - The Traditional (based on a 10 day traditional sheep hunt needs, but would be geared for 10 days of ATV'n for pronghorn with 8 of your closest Kuiu clad friends)
14-day kit - Beast-ish Mode (no trade mark infringements) This would include everything available in all previous kits, an EPIRB, plus a signed picture of Cam and a yellow wrist band.

How dare you drink Muscle Milk! It's Mtn Ops or nuthin! Now the selfie stick is a must have for all kits. How else would we see your face paint and perfectly manicured boy band beard?
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