First Moose Hunt


New member
Aug 22, 2019
Juneau County WI
First out of state hunt to be honest, excluding SD for pheasant.
Myself and a buddy are booked for a Sept '20 hunt in Alberta. Did online and phone research and booked with what we believe is reputable outfitter in a good area. 2 on 1 hunt with lodging and meals included. Feeling squared away and good with that part of it.
Would really like to do this with my bow but given the fact I may never do anything like this again, and I really want to take an animal, I have decided to use my late father's deer rifle. Deer season was a special time for him so it seems fitting for this hunt. Plenty of gun an I reload my own ammo, all good there.

Been doing a lot of research on moose hunting, habitat, habits, the rut and the logistics of dealing with a downed animal. Being a rifle hunt takes some of the challenges out of the equation, or at least some different kinds of challenges anyway.

Not really sure on the type of terrain yet as far as footwear goes. I've spoken with the guide a number of times and have some idea but if anyone has hunted in northern AB within a few miles of the BC border I'm all ears.
The plan is to take knee highs and leather. Been looking at the light weight wool\syn socks and underwear and will probably add a few items in that dept.
Sounds like we will be doing a fair amount of walking.

Rain gear. I'm a work a day guy and have good rain gear but not suitable for hunting, imo. So, dropping 4 or 5 bills on rain gear for this hunt is something I would like to avoid. What kind of weather can I expect rain wise? I'm all for sticking it out in the rain and getting a little wet does not bother me in the least. I'll be watching the weather this fall up there to get an idea on what to expect.

Picked up a good set of binos so good there.

I think I'm good overall for outerwear with the deer hunting stuff. Camo jeans, long underwear, a layer or two on top and a fleece jacket is the norm for me in WI for deer season. I prefer to dress light and can take a lot of cold.

Open to any and all comments, suggestions or stories.
It's a ways off so I have time. I'm a planer so just wanted to gets some info from those who have done it.

Thanks in advance. Dave
Rain gear - Helly Hanson Impertech is the "gold standard" for most Alaska guides. It IS waterproof. It is NOT breathable. Your choice.
Calling - moose are probably the easiest of all big game to call. Voice calling is simple: press both index fingers along each side of your nose; the rest of your hands forming a funnel around your mouth and grunt for a bull noise. Cow calls are similar, only the noise is a prolonged "WAAAA". There are plenty of videos around demonstrating moose calling. Raking brush is a good way to call also. Use: a stick (heavy stick), a quart oil container (cut off the bottom, mount a stick in the pour hole) - bang the hell out of the brush - its impossible to make too much noise. A scapula from last year's moose is used by many, also.
Good gaiters will take the place of rain pants and a breathable rain jacket would be my recommendation. It will last a good while if taken care of to help offset the cost.
Lots of good rain jackets out there without spending a ton. Some brands have last years models on close out.
Maybe even a Frogg Toggs.
I'd bring your bow, moose in the rut presents good opportunity for archery equipment.
I've never hunted moose but I do hunt in Alaska in winter.
I would not wear jeans camo or not. You want something that will dry quicker when you get wet.
I like these, they dry out fast and don't cost a fortune. You don't need camo.

I've hunted moose twice in northern BC. As for gear good reliable raingear is a must! Gaiters are a must. I'd bring both bow and a gun, you won't want to miss out taking a bull if you can't get into bow range. If you're on a horseback hunt or walking you'll be wearing your rain pant most of the time especially going through willows. I'd recommend some tenacious tape also, it works wonders on torn raingear or clothing. As for a call, your outfitter/ should be doing the calling. Best of luck, caution moose hunting is addicting!
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Thank for the info provided so far. Will check into those pants and gators. Never owned or worn gators. Any suggestions on brand or features??
If buying Kenetrek gaiters id recommend having the strap reenforced where it's attached. I had one fail in BC. I wear KUIU gaiters. I'd also get some quality game bags, moose quarters are large😉
Caribou Gear

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