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First hand Covid symptoms

Get well soon Randy, and sorry for the losses on this thread. Keeping upright and moving seemed to help me keep it out of my chest. I've been 100% recovered for a week or two now. My symptoms were a lot like the flu but it is a little different. I've had no taste or smell for about a month now and up until a couple days ago I felt crummy in the evenings for some reason. I had 2 "bad" days about 5 days apart. Nothing too serious but just when I thought I was coming out of it, I was hammered again. I never had a fever at all through the whole deal. Things that seemed to help were Mucinex-D in the morning, Sinex nasal spray at night, lots of Emergen-C Immune support (has lots of vitamin C,D and Zinc), ibuprofen and staying hydrated. On a side note, when the second wave hit me I broke down and took the Z-Pack that I always carry with me on hunts. I do not know if it was a placebo affect or not but after the 3 days of pills I felt nearly 100%. I am 35 and healthy but after having it, I can see how it would be hard on some people. After going through it, i would personally rather get sick with it than risk the vaccine.
AZ, you had no way of knowing how infection would affect you until you got sick with it. I think you would today have a different outlook on the vaccine if you had avoided infection. Perhaps you should clarify?

Everyone should get vaccinated when it becomes available, if for no other reason to help curb the spread of infections to others. Think of your neighbour.
AZ, you had no way of knowing how infection would affect you until you got sick with it. I think you would today have a different outlook on the vaccine if you had avoided infection. Perhaps you should clarify?

Everyone should get vaccinated when it becomes available, if for no other reason to help curb the spread of infections to others. Think of your neighbour.
I am 35 and healthy but after having it, I can see how it would be hard on some people. After going through it, i would personally rather get sick with it than risk the vaccine.


Though I and others may or may not agree, I respectfully ask that we not take this thread that direction. We know where it will head, and so far I have found this to be a valuable thread.
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This latest "surge" has brought it into my families circle. Until this none of us knew anyone directly who had it. Just friends of friends etc.

Now, my Dad had it, he's 80. Most likely caught it from my step-mother. They had VERY different sympoms, she had a scratchy throat, sniffles. He couldn't do ANYTHING without a nap. His day was literally get up, take a nap, wake up, read for 15 minutes, take a nap. He's all recovered now but he rocked him for a bit.

Here in WY, several of our friends have had it. We haven't been able to say for sure that we weren't exposed to at least one of them since we couldn't really remember the last time we saw them with respect to when they tested positive.

We are scheduled to fly east for christmas (grandsons first christmas!). We've both been fighting a cold, so we got tested (lots of "fun" haveing that oversized Q tip shoved up your nose). We both tested negative.

It's real, it hits people different, but what can't be argued is its very contagious.
Though I and others may or may not agree, I respectfully ask that we not take this thread that direction. We know where it will head, and so far I have found this to be a valuable thread.
This is indeed a valuable thread and I was trying to add some insight to my experience as well as what seemed to help. I will not turn it into a vaccine or no vaccine conversation. Above post edited.
Hey old Sport, how come you’re not ragging on Randy for indulging in non-essential activities?

Can you show me where Randy is bad mouthing the entire Highline? How about where Randy crossed an international boundary and ignored the advice of the Canadian Government but expect every Montanan to adhere to the advice of our state government? Then can you find where Randy was pontificating about how careful he is about covid but engaged in an activity that wasn't required, wasn't essential and is not a right? When you find those then let me know until then I know pointing out hypocrisy is hard but it is still hypocrisy.
So far I am on my 3rd day away from work. The shop I work at got hit pretty hard during last week & they even closed up for a day and a half. Everyone from last week is on the mend but had different symptoms. I felt good until Wednesday after work and by the time I got home I was getting very congested and by dinner my taste & smell was gone. Felt like my nose was on fire at times. Still feels about the same, congested/head cold & so far staying out of my chest. Not much coughing. Hoping my wife doesn't get it. I didn't really have any pre symptoms but other guys at the shop thought they had regular colds and kept coming to work.

Sorry for the losses to any of the HT members & family here.

I spoke to a client the other day and she was saying that she thought the mask mandate was stupid. She refused to wear a mask in town until the policy was forced and she still went out socializing. She ended up bringing Covid home and her husband died from it. It was heartbreaking to hear her choke back tears and talk about how she blamed herself.
It's amazing that her only symptom was a sore throat but her husband took a turn for the worst pretty quickly.
Wife and I think we had COVID-19 way back when they didn't quite have a handle on it and didn't know what it was yet. We had all the classic symptoms last February and I think now we might have developed an immunity against it.

Wife did have a COVID scare that terminated my elk hunt prematurely but then that was followed by two negative tests and she returned back to work. Her doctor thinks it was allergies. First test was one of those fast ones that came back positive and doctor followed it with two more tests using the more expensive RNA one on the next two tests that came back negative.
I spoke to a client the other day and she was saying that she thought the mask mandate was stupid. She refused to wear a mask in town until the policy was forced and she still went out socializing. She ended up bringing Covid home and her husband died from it. It was heartbreaking to hear her choke back tears and talk about how she blamed herself.
It's amazing that her only symptom was a sore throat but her husband took a turn for the worst pretty quickly.
This is why I wear a mask regardless of my opinions on how COVID is being handled. I am not 100% on board as far as how effective they are BUT I do not want to be the one that infects people with it if I am wrong. I wear a mask when I go out around people even if they do not. What I do know about COVID is it is very real and can quickly kill vulnerable people and I don't want to have to hold myself responsible for that because I didn't practice proper hygiene, wear masks or practice the social distancing.
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The hunting trip you took was a nonessential trip and you did it in order to indulge yourself in a nonessential activity. If you were as high minded and self righteous about COVID as you claim to be then you would of foregone one hunting season instead of taking a chance of moving across international borders and coming to an area that had an outbreak. Instead you want to bad mouth everyone who didn't conform to your will and do as you say in order to allow you to indulge yourself. If your house has a mirror in it, then go take a look in it, the guy looking back at you; he suffers from some major issues of being a dick.

I am curious why you refused to follow the Canadian governments recommendations on non essential travel but have no problem whining about others not following recommendations down here?

You are the one who needs to look in the mirror and recognize your Hi-Line community for what it is. If we know one thing, this pandemic has blown a hole in the old "rural folks look out for their neighbors" myth. Bullcrap. Everybody in Montana knows the deal once you get out into the rural areas, whether it's the Hi-Line or Flathead or Ravalli--no regard for anybody else's health or life, just a bunch of ignorant a-holes acting tough, killing people to show their loyalty to Trump. Now you're sending your science-denying maskless a$$hole legislators to Helena to spread the disease in our community and kill more people--by their own admission even. Go fk yourself guy. /rant
You are the one who needs to look in the mirror and recognize your Hi-Line community for what it is. If we know one thing, this pandemic has blown a hole in the old "rural folks look out for their neighbors" myth. Bullcrap. Everybody in Montana knows the deal once you get out into the rural areas, whether it's the Hi-Line or Flathead or Ravalli--no regard for anybody else's health or life, just a bunch of ignorant a-holes acting tough, killing people to show their loyalty to Trump. Now you're sending your science-denying maskless a$$hole legislators to Helena to spread the disease in our community and kill more people--by their own admission even. Go fk yourself guy. /rant

I see you don't post often. If this is how you communicate with people, you're unlikely to be posting here much longer. If you want to "rant," take it to FB. I'm not inclined to put up with it on this forum. To tell someone you don't know to GFY, is a quick path to the door.

Lumping entire groups of people into your self-identified categories isn't going to last long here. If you don't like Trump voters, go post that opinion on your own FB page. If you don't like rural folks, you've picked the wrong scab with me.

If you've got something worthwhile to add, post it. If you're just going to "rant," let me know via PM and we can solve this problem now.
I recently returned to the HT forum because I have spare time due to staying at home with Covid symptoms. (test results to follow). The above post is a prime example of why I gave up forums months ago. As adults can't we just relax and leave our political ranting to more appropriate forums? Bringing a "Go f.. yourself" keyboard warrior post insulting half a state to a Covid 19 thread on a hunting forum is beyond comprehension.
Big Fin, you must be doing alright. You addressed the post before I hit enter. Hope you're feeling a whole lot better and sorry you have to still play the moderator role.

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