First hand Covid symptoms

I got my second dose of Moderna today. I’m expecting the flu like symptoms to hit anytime. I hope not.
I thought I was in the clear. I went 24 hours with no symptoms. Started aching all over last night, 32 hours after the shot. Went to bed and woke up soaking in sweat a few hours later. Felt fine after that.
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yup. goot my 2nd moderna Thursday at noon. Started feeling cruddy bout 9 pm and all day today. no biggie, expecting to feel fine-ish Saturday.
It's like the flu shot. If you DON'T feel cruddy afterwards it's probably not working.

I watched a short documentary about how these vaccines are developed. The labs actually replicate the virus and genetically engineer it so that a critical protein is missing that prevents it from replicating inside human cells (viruses, unlike bacteria, can't replicate on their own). When human body is injected with this sterile disease, the body's immune system has time to assess the invader and engineer antibodies. That way when the real Mcoy comes along it is repelled before it can replicate. So yeah, you should expect to get sick ... just less sick and for very short duration relative to the actual disease. The mystery with COVID is the extreme variation of natural prevaccination immunity to the virus. Are we actually looking at several subtle variants? Or does the virus naturally replicate variably in the body to trip up other potential hosts ... or rather its host's scientists? Have viruses figured out our strategy and trying to work out a way around it by accelerating variability? Is this the trend for viruses in the future? Now that's a scary thought. Or maybe there's so many different viruses always floating around that it's difficult to say who has what immunity. It's a complicated war.
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My oldest sibling (brother 73) is in a memory care facility. They test there a few times a month both patients and staff. He tested positive for Covid two weeks after his second shot. Had no real symptoms so I’m wondering if it was a false positive or what? He was isolated and tested negative again 10 days later. The Dr didn’t seem that nutted up about it, commented that “if something is 80-90% effective somebody still had to make up that other 10-20%!” Guess he’s right.
The variation of immune response is amazing. First shot of Pfizer made me very sleepy and groggy, couldn’t work or focus with cloudy head for 36 hours after.
The variation of immune response is amazing. First shot of Pfizer made me very sleepy and groggy, couldn’t work or focus with cloudy head for 36 hours after.
36 hours was my feelin' puny duration for both Pfizer sticks....wife had no side effects. We are 6 weeks past second shot and grateful.
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I’m 25 hours past my second moderna shot. Had a minor body aches and feel slightly lethargic, hope that’s all I have to look forward to. Muscle where shot was given is a little sore but not bad
At about hour 32 I got the chills for a couple hours then felt fine. I’d say it caused brain fog too, but I’ve had that for years!
Second Pfizer shot was interesting. Vaccinated on Thursday. Nothing on Friday. Saturday/Sunday had very swollen axillary lymph nodes and it felt like someone was stabbing me in the armpit, but figured I was in the clear. Monday woke up with pounding headache, head congestion, sneezing and runny nose. About 15 hours of the worst headache of my life and Advil/Tylenol didn’t touch it. Today woke up feeling like a million bucks.

Can’t say I’ve ever had a reaction like that to anything. Glad it’s over with.
Neither my wife or I had any reaction to the shots other than sore arms. I used to get rather severe reactions to the flu shots in the military back. They used live virus back then. Now with those, I might get a sore arm but I blame that on where they inject the shot rather than a real reaction.
I thought I was in the clear. I went 24 hours with no symptoms. Started aching all over last night, 32 hours after the shot. Went to bed and woke up soaking in sweat a few hours later. Felt fine after that.
Sounds familiar to what some of my friends experienced. I get Moderna #2 Thursday morning. Hoping I get through Friday on the jobsite before it kicks in.
“Not even the first round of vaccination could stop me from catching the CheenaVyrus from that Canadian woof I poached.” GGianforte, allegedly
Wife and I had second Moderna shots Friday @ noon.

Saturday AM I woke up feeling like I had a mild hangover, lethargic mostly. Cept I didn't drink Friday night. Did some light yard work, which about killed me, felt ok, just ZERO energy. Mid afternoon, got low fever, then chills. by bedtime I was starting to feel better, wife was starting to feel worse. Sunday I was 100% ready to go. Wife was zero energy.

Monday, both feel fine.
I get my first shot of Moderna tomorrow and my gf gets the J&J on Saturday. I've been trying to help friends get appointments too but it is a real struggle.
Curious for yourself (your gf) and others regarding J&J. Definitely better than no vaccination (IMO) though is there a medical reason or specific preference for the J&J vs Pfizer or Moderna? Difference between one shot vs two. If I recall, J&J is approx 65% effective vs the other two at 95%.
Not starting a debate, arguing a topic, etc... Simply curious. I'm happy to learn they've released a single shot vaccination. Hopeful it encourages others who may be on the fence over two shots or maybe J&J has a different type of vaccination outside Rna, etc.
Did they share some additional info beyond the public "Google" pool of info?
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