First hand Covid symptoms

prayers for your brother and his wife @Gr8bawana.

My wife brought Covid home from the office she works at (gastro doc), when a women (patient) lied about the screening questions and brought it into the office for 3 employees to get :mad: Wife lost taste and smell and was achy and had a cough for about a week. I had a slight cough and slight aches and minor headache for 2 to 3 days - Nothing I would have stayed home from work for had I not tested positive. Daughter had no symptoms but we all 3 tested positive (twice). After 10 or 11 days I lost sense of smell and now after 4 weeks (since exposure) my sense of taste is on and off all of a sudden. Wife still can't taste or smell at all.

Daughter knows 34 year old woman that lost total use of arms and legs with 2nd vaccine shot. Was told it may be permanent. This is the second person I've heard of that this has happened to. The other (51 yr old man) has slowly gained some use of hands/arms back. I know another man that was paralyzed (Quadriplegic) several years ago (at 45 yrs old) from flu vaccine. After 16 months of nothing, he slowly started getting use of hands and arms. He can walk and function again now, but is limited in what his legs can do (no ladders, bicycle, running,...).

I just wonder about the stories you never hear about. Maybe something in the water around here, but I won't be running to get my vaccine anytime soon...
Update on second dose of Moderna. I had my injection at 8:30am Wed morning and had a sore arm like the first dose. By 6pm I was feeling pretty fatigued and sore all over. Took some Nyquil before bed and woke up shivering, cold and febrile at 1:30am. My temperature peaked at 101 deg F around 4:30am and broke by 6am. Felt pretty groggy, tired, achy and sore all over but powered through my work day and went to bed early again last night. Overall, it was like having flu symptoms. Feeling 95% better today. If I had a do over, I would have scheduled it for Friday morning so I had the weekend to rest. I can now rest a little easier knowing that I am less likely to contract Covid and pass it on to my patients or family. I will still be following safety protocols as usual in the office and at home. Numbers are starting to drop now so hopefully we can all pull together long enough to develop some herd immunity.
I’ve Been debating on whether or not to share my experience, but here goes.
let me preface this by saying I have a significant needle phobia and I pretty much pass out anytime I have to give blood.

so on 2/5 I got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Passed out in the line to schedule my second one, cracked the back of my skull on the tile floor and presumably laid there in a pool of blood for an unknown amount of time before I came to in the back of
an ambulance parked in front of the vaccine site 20-30min later
Woke up, explained to the paramedics that I have shitty health insurance and that they need to get all the bullshit wires off of me and let me out.
of course, they trying to get into my ass pocket and “save me” and take me to the hospital.
But again, I’m not getting financially ruined over this bullshit.

went there today to get the second one.
they asked me how the first one went.
I foolishly/smart assedly told them the truth.
“so did your primary care doctor approve you to get the second dose?”
“I dropped out of junior college, I don’t have a primary care doctor”
“Let me get my supervisor”
“No thanks, save that dose for someone else.”
I walked out.
do I feel like a pussy/quitter?

Was the brain/neck injury worth getting a vaccine for a virus that has a 99% survivability rate?

not to me.
Couldn’t work out for like 2 weeks.
neck still hurts.
I was just able to wash my hair for the first time this morning.
The only reason I keep living is to be able to hike, ski, run, bike and move around.
being paralyzed from falling from my feet to the back of my head would be much worse than death for me.

50%’s better than nothing I guess 🤷‍♂️

hope everyone else has a better experience.
Dang Douglas, received my first one the same day you passed out (2/5). Got my second one this morning. Hope you are ok.
We just got the call at work that we can get the 1st dose today if we want. We are considered educators. So in a matter of a couple hours I went from not having any hopes or thoughts of getting the shot to getting one in less than an hour. Honestly, after what Dr. Fauci has been saying that vaccinated people still need to mask, social distance, avoid crowds and it kind of becomes void after 3 months I wasn't to keen on getting it. But I am going to go get the shot in the hopes that it will allow me in to Canada in May for the walleye opener. But I am not going to hold my breath.
it kind of becomes void after 3 months
I'm not familiar with this.
My understanding, those that were part of the initial clinical trials, the vaccination is not void. It's the only basis we have for the longevity of the vaccination. Or am I misunderstanding your statement?
80 yr old parents got their 2nd dose last week. Dad said he never even had a sore shoulder. I am renting a house in southern UT at the end of the month and taking my family and my parents for a week of sun, hiking and sitting by the pool.
I'm not familiar with this.
My understanding, those that were part of the initial clinical trials, the vaccination is not void. It's the only basis we have for the longevity of the vaccination. Or am I misunderstanding your statement?
I termed that wrong. Sorry, you still have the shot but it is possible your resistance will lessen according to the latest from the cdc and dr fauci. it is recommended that you still do not go to large gatherings, where your mask and quarantine if exposed after this time.
Local pharmacies around me are offering covid antibody blood tests on a walk-in basis. It costs a finger prick and 25 bucks. My wife and I still test positive for antibodies. We had covid in Nov-Dec.
Wife and I received our 2nd Pfizer vaccine, as expressed replying to DougR, last Friday. The better half had no reaction, same as her first. I had 36hrs of head/body ache and lethargy, then normal. Lots of confusing info...stick to the most current reputable sources.
I had the J&J vax on Saturday morning. That evening had some mild flu-like symptoms - 100 deg fever, chills, aches and woke up with a headache the next morning, was pretty much back to normal by Sunday afternoon. Shoulder is still a little sore, but happy to be one and done.
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I termed that wrong. Sorry, you still have the shot but it is possible your resistance will lessen according to the latest from the cdc and dr fauci. it is recommended that you still do not go to large gatherings, where your mask and quarantine if exposed after this time.
Not sure that is all correct. Latest guidance below regarding fully vaccinated folks says they do NOT have to quarantine if exposed to the virus (unless develop symptoms is how I read it)

" Everyone – even those who are vaccinated – should continue with all mitigation strategies when in public settings. As the science evolves and more people get vaccinated, we will continue to provide more guidance to help fully vaccinated people safely resume more activities.”

  • Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart.
  • Visit with unvaccinated people from one other household indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart if everyone in the other household is at low risk for severe disease.
  • Refrain from quarantine and testing if they do not have symptoms of COVID-19 after contact with someone who has COVID-19...."
Wife and I got our first moderna vaccine last week. me b/c of my job apparently and her by visiting a clinic near closing time and sure enough they had 2 doses they needed to use or toss so she scored one. Sore arm for me and no residual effect for her...
Not sure that is all correct. Latest guidance below regarding fully vaccinated folks says they do NOT have to quarantine if exposed to the virus (unless develop symptoms is how I read it)

" Everyone – even those who are vaccinated – should continue with all mitigation strategies when in public settings. As the science evolves and more people get vaccinated, we will continue to provide more guidance to help fully vaccinated people safely resume more activities.”

  • Visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart.
  • Visit with unvaccinated people from one other household indoors without wearing masks or staying 6 feet apart if everyone in the other household is at low risk for severe disease.
  • Refrain from quarantine and testing if they do not have symptoms of COVID-19 after contact with someone who has COVID-19...."
Yes, the latest guidance is saying that. But the guidance changes daily it seems.
I never lost my sense of taste or smell, though it was altered for about a week all I was able to taste was salt. I also had a height fever 102 to 103 even with fever reducers for 4 days. Bad headaches and extreme exhaustion. I had it back in November and all of my symptoms have since subsided. I have noticed I have a lot of brain fog since having it.
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I got signed up with NM vaccine program.
Get texts with # assigned and told I will be notified when I am eligible.

I see on news that my age group HAS been eligible ,for a week. 60% of 65+ has gotten 1st shot.
Got no help with info from county folks. Hell there were no masks in use by staff in the courthouse when I was there last month. No one in local town had any info ,or cared. Whatever....

County is now in turqouise color status(most open/least cases) catagory.

Yesterday got my 1st haircut in 6 months. It was 6" long,lol. Anyway talking to Verlene my barber(only hairdresser/cutter/lady I know),she & family have all gotten vaccine....Fred who was leaving had gotten 2nd & is in his 70's. They said just go down to County clinic office here I sign up.
I stop on way out of town and alakazam, I have 1st shot next Tuesday. Just drive up.....

Now Verlene,the haidresser, knew the vaccine was available and how to get it.
But no one at the Main county clinic had any info,besides sign up with state.....deputy said 25% of force had gotten it but no info for me,county Emergency Management guy ,who I also know,had no info on where I could get the vaccine.

Living in the largest,least populated county in NM has it's perks and quirks. More than I knew yesterday.
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