First hand Covid symptoms

Time to eat my words.

Got my shot yesterday and engaged the protocol. Woke up this morning feeling like I got run over by a truck. Headache, muscle aches, chills.

Unto the Chicken Fried Steak Gods I say say Christ’s last earthly words, “Has Thou forsaken me?“

Reading some studies it looks like side effects typically don’t last more than a day, and either way I got some gravy out of the deal.
Ditto - to a tee... It knocked the heck out of me, then it smiled, and the sky boomed... "Your hazing has concluded. Welcome to Covid House, Animal Style".
For me, the day after the second Moderna was spent on the couch, with a slightly elevated temperature (2 degrees over my daily average) with a sore injection site, and ever so barely there hotspots in a couple of joints prone to soreness. The temperature elevation was gone by the actual 24 hour mark, and with the Arctic blast I was happy to hang out on that oh so comfy couch.
Lost my taste and smell for five days before it came back. Body aches and chills were bad for me. I shook so bad one night I thought I was going to roll out of bed. It's been three weeks now and only have some congestion and still a little short of breath. Never had a fever.
Well wife and I dodge the covid bug long enough I guess. Started Saturday for me with headache. I assumed the headache was from 15 days straight of working and lack of sleep so I didn’t think much of it. Sunday night she lost her sense of taste and smell. Monday she tested positive. I guess we are pretty lucky as that’s the only symptoms she’s had and all I’ve had is a headache since Saturday. If the kids have it you’d never know as they still are bouncing off the walls
I get tested tomorrow to find out if I have it for a second time. Same symptoms as last March, but only about half as bad. My Dr says he's starting to see more second infections because we got it early around here.
Same as many others after my second shot. Barely slept last night, gnarly headache and alternating moments of burning up and freezing. Really foggy and lethargic today
Had my second dose of Moderna this morning and five hours later I have a sore arm but no other symptoms. My wife had her second dose of Moderna yesterday before lunch and is feeling a bit under the weather today. She is home napping right now.
Got my second moderna yesterday. Definitely some arm soreness last night. Woke up feeling pretty good but after a walk I feel pretty run down, achy, and lethargic. I actually tested positive (asymptotic) in October, so I was wondering if I would have a reaction.
My wife and I are looking forward to when we are in the eligible age group.
My brother in AZ has Covid as we speak, so does his wife. It is hitting him much harder than his wife, possibly because he had TB as a child.
Their small town hospital is full so they sent him home with O2 because his saturation level would fall to 86% without it.
My wife and I are looking forward to when we are in the eligible age group.
My brother in AZ has Covid as we speak, so does his wife. It is hitting him much harder than his wife, possibly because he had TB as a child.
Their small town hospital is full so they sent him home with O2 because his saturation level would fall to 86% without it.
Sorry to hear that, prayer for your family.