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First hand Covid symptoms

My 19 year old daughter had it and tested positive. Minus a sinus headache it wasn't much for her and for that I am very thankful...

It is weird how this virus effects people so differently.
Fortunately, I’ve been spared on this thing so far. I’m concerned for those that have had it as to what the longer term impacts might be, especially on the lungs. I had a pulmonary embolism (blood clots in my lungs) about 2-1/2 years ago that almost killed me and did some permanent damage to my lungs. The place where I really notice that damage is when I’m out in the woods, at high elevation, gaining lots of vertical, with a pack on my back. Yeah, hunting. I really notice a big difference, and have to stop and rest to catch my breath far more now than before. If it’s really steep, I have to stop every 20 steps or so. It really sucks, so I hope those of you who have been or are infected with the Rona don’t have those kinds of more permanent issues. Due to my high risk, I’ve been overboard on the social distancing! Prayers to all for full recoveries! 🙏
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I know a couple that got it. He's 50 and she is 41. He had fever and body aches for 3 days and then felt better. She had a high fever for 9 days, body aches, cough and loss of taste and smell for two weeks. It hit her way worse then him. Both are in good health with no underlying conditions. Hard to see a rhyme or reason to why it is so much worse for some people.
I was taken out of my house on a stretcher 4 times and hospitalized for a week to ten days each time. This was after the initial illness. I believe my lungs are permanently damaged, and my EKG continues to show irregularities. Luck of the draw I guess. I am using a nebulizer with Albuterol as I type this. 45 years old, no underlying conditions, and worked out one hour a day, walk or bike. Didn't help.
Damnit man, really sorry to hear that. My condolences and prayers for you sir!
Well I am positive. Thanks for all the comments. Still only very mild symptoms. If not for the loss of taste and smell I would be at work right now.

Figured so. Loss of taste/smell is very distinctive for covid (but not everyone has that symptom). But chances are if you lose taste/smell u probably have it. It's the only screening question our facility still asks us every day.
Three out of the four people in my family had it. My daughter had a fever for about six hours and that was it. I felt a little bit fatigued for about two days no fever. My wife said it was similar to strep throat to her she had some lingering chest tightness but everyone’s back to hundred percent.
I know a couple that got it. He's 50 and she is 41. He had fever and body aches for 3 days and then felt better. She had a high fever for 9 days, body aches, cough and loss of taste and smell for two weeks. It hit her way worse then him. Both are in good health with no underlying conditions. Hard to see a rhyme or reason to why it is so much worse for some people.
I read an article earlier today saying that it seems to affect certain blood types worse than others.
I read an article earlier today saying that it seems to affect certain blood types worse than others.
And those with Vit D deficiencies.

Edited to add a couple of links.

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You have it, I’d bet a million bucks. I wouldn’t even bother with the hassle of getting tested unless you need to for getting the time off work. Loss of taste and smell is a dead giveaway.
I know/know of dozens of people that have had it(I work at a large company) as well as a few friends that have had it and they all say the same thing. Low grade fever, then they lose their taste and smell, then they feel fine but still can’t taste/smell for about 10 days.

I’ve never really looked into why you lose taste/smell.
I know that when you get a concussion you can lose it if there if there is swelling around your olfactory nerve, but how a virus does that, I’m not sure. My wife got a concussion last year and could literally eat a tablespoon of sushi wasabi with a straight face.

Edit: i should have read the whole thread. Appears you do have it.
Hope it stays mild.
Edited the thread title today to not sound so dumb and hopefully be more informative to anyone wondering about the symptoms. So today I have a new symptom that is driving me nuts. Very bad ringing in my ears. Still only mild sinus junk and no fever or bad cough. A little dizzy when I first get up also. Thanks again for all the comments.
@jvanhoy i have a recommendation. All the ladies in my family had Covid in early September. One of the things that shortened the recoup time for everyone (especially my wife) was two things that they have at Walgreens or CVS. Oscillococcinum and Sambucol. i was the only one in the house that did not get Covid, and I was slamming my body with this stuff, as well as Vitamin C, D, and Zinc. Anyways, check this stuff out. It worked on everyone in my family, as well as myself.
The symptoms that they all had were: loss of taste and smell of course, mild fever, chills, muscle aches, pressure behind eyes, head aches.
@jvanhoy i have a recommendation. All the ladies in my family had Covid in early September. One of the things that shortened the recoup time for everyone (especially my wife) was two things that they have at Walgreens or CVS. Oscillococcinum and Sambucol. i was the only one in the house that did not get Covid, and I was slamming my body with this stuff, as well as Vitamin C, D, and Zinc. Anyways, check this stuff out. It worked on everyone in my family, as well as myself.
The symptoms that they all had were: loss of taste and smell of course, mild fever, chills, muscle aches, pressure behind eyes, head aches.
Thank you!
Figured so. Loss of taste/smell is very distinctive for covid (but not everyone has that symptom). But chances are if you lose taste/smell u probably have it. It's the only screening question our facility still asks us every day.
I know it's no laughing matter but I couldn't help it when my daughter offered me some food she made and then asked me how it taste. I said it was tasteless, like eating styrofoam. The look on her face and her husband's face was priceless. LOL
Well I am positive. Thanks for all the comments. Still only very mild symptoms. If not for the loss of taste and smell I would be at work right now.
Wishing (and praying) for a speedy recovery. Interesting reading about the tasteless identification as you and glass eye shared. I've heard it's a speedy C-19 test that beats the heck out of "Official testing'. Thoughts with all affected.
Looks like my brother in Montana has it. He's 69 and diabetic. We are required to hunt big game together as a condition of my special license. So probably only hunting birds there this year. Nuts.
Initial virus loading seems to play a big part in outcomes for infected, non-comorbidity patients. If you have a "Small" exposure, the disease process doesn't get as big an initial push and you tend to fare better. If it is a "Large" initial exposure the opposite happens.

This seems to hold for all viral infections (as much as you can lump "all" into human health).

Social distancing, hand washing (and don't touch your face, you animals!!) are still the golden standards of prevention. The mask I wear is not really a big help for me when I'm out and about. But I wear it for the dude walking down the cereal aisle behind me.

The dental profession is directly in the crosshairs of aerosol transmitted diseases. Glasses, mask, face shield PPE for the providers, and a screening questionnaire, body temperature scan, and a pre-treatment hydrogen peroxide rinse is standard of care these days for my patients.

Best wishes and fast healing to all who have been infected. I hope this means that in the future you will remain immune, but I'm betting we will learn that it is a partial immunity at best.
Interesting article on blood types. I’m O+ as is my daughter. She’s in college (a very social creature) and has had tons of legit exposures with roommates and others she’s been around testing positive. She’s been tested 5 times, all negative. My son is B- and not very social, and he got it. Just some minor symptoms and weathered it no problem.

Just one data point, but lines up to the blood type data. Keeping my fingers crossed (and still going overboard on social distancing!) 🤞
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