
Covid positive 11 days before leaving for montana elk hunt

Did any of you guys workout or run while having COVID to keep your heart pumping and lungs working or is that a bad idea.
I was able to start working out and running after 3 weeks. Before covid, i was running 3 miles every other day. When I started working out again, It was a struggle to reach a mile. Its been 3 months now and I can finally run 3 miles again, but have to stop and walk a little bit. Its a lot slower and I breathe a lot heavier. Its harder to hike while hunting due to less cardio and muscle loss in my legs, but im able to push through. Im 37 with no major underlying issues.
I got it back in mid-august with a pretty bad stint lasting about 10 days. Knowing my elk hunt started in early October, I jumped back into working out as quick as I could. Like others mentioned, it definitely impacted my ability and stamina and quick recovery. I mostly felt fine by mid September but had a lingering cough that lasted through hunting season. Based on my experience, I would just let your body dictate what you can/can’t do. I know the ‘Rona impacts everyone differently.
Did any of you guys workout or run while having COVID to keep your heart pumping and lungs working or is that a bad idea.
I would advise against it. My wife told her athletes to rest. Most of them got out of breath walking upstairs and they are D1 athletes
well i was feeling so good i just went for a 1/2 mile walk with a 30 pounds pack. Could tell i was getting winded easier but all in all was ok but that was flat ground. I can also tell that when i breath deep most of the time i am not able to fill up all the way to my diaphragm. May try a little more tomorrow. But going to keep it easy until next week then might try and go harder.
Well today my body feels amazing my only issue is i feel like someone is tightening a ratchet strap around my chest. I am out of breath a lot easier other than that all good. But last night my wife who is 7 months pregnant came down with it as well, i will probably be missing the opening firearms deer season here in minnesota this weekend. But need to take care of her first. Thanks for everything guys. Anyone have anything they did to reduce the tight chest?
Well today my body feels amazing my only issue is i feel like someone is tightening a ratchet strap around my chest. I am out of breath a lot easier other than that all good. But last night my wife who is 7 months pregnant came down with it as well, i will probably be missing the opening firearms deer season here in minnesota this weekend. But need to take care of her first. Thanks for everything guys. Anyone have anything they did to reduce the tight chest?
Best wishes for you, your wife, and the baby from a fellow Jordan resident.
Had Covid last Oct and was pretty sick Oct 2nd-9th. I couldn’t take two steps up a set of stairs without stopping to catch my breath. Once I had some antibiotics I improved rapidly. Hunted the MT deer opener a few weeks later. I could tell my wind wasn’t where it was prior to Covid, but I just took my time and paid attention to my body. By the end of Oct/early Nov I felt pretty normal. Took several weeks to get my sense of smell back. Praying for you and your wife/baby to come through this ok.
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I had a similar experience. I am an ED nurse and got VAX'd way back in Dec 2020, so my resistance not as strong in relation to the amount of exposure I have. I tested positive and had every single COVID symptom. My elk hunt was 10 days away so I stayed in isolation and by day 10 I left for Idaho on a 7 day solo elk hunt. I would say my cardio prior to covid was good, I was running 3+ miles 3-4 times a week and Pelotoning 30-45min. Hiking in Idaho solo was challenging but I kept it slow. I am still more tired than usual but it just could be laziness..haha
On a footnote, working in the ED and ICU, every single pt that we see that needs medical attention regardless of past and prior medical hx is unvax'd. I have had multiple pregnant women that have had emergency C-sec at 29wks due to not VAX, and then they barely survive. With the exposure level that is seen in an ED or ICU the VAX and PPE has assisted in our personal safety and that of our families.
Anyway... happy hunting and I hope everyone recovers strong and soon.
I had it this spring. Super mild. Didn't know I had it till I had a tickle in my throat and a 99 degree "fever". Felt a little odd and tired, but it wasn't a problem at all for me. My fiancé who has bad asthma and she was out of wind for a week, but she survived and it wasn't bad for her either. Both of us are unvaccinated. My sister who is an ER nurse and she is fully vaccinated. She is on her 3rd round of having covid. The first time she had it was early on before the vaccination, then she got vaccinated because work made her. Since then she's gotten it 2 more times with symptoms being identical or slightly worse than the first time.

Being in my mid 20's and healthy, I'm fine with not getting the vaccine. My symptoms were only a tickle in my throat, and a little tired for a few days. Then I was back to 100% after a couple days!
Well today my body feels amazing my only issue is i feel like someone is tightening a ratchet strap around my chest. I am out of breath a lot easier other than that all good. But last night my wife who is 7 months pregnant came down with it as well, i will probably be missing the opening firearms deer season here in minnesota this weekend. But need to take care of her first. Thanks for everything guys. Anyone have anything they did to reduce the tight chest?
Maybe needs to be broken up with Mucinex?
go hunt and adjust your intensity if needed.
I tested positive mid hunt.... Both my kids got it the Monday before season. I took rapid tests all week for work reasons and all were negative. Both my kids only had fevers for 2 days with no other symptoms. I came home to spend Halloween with my kids since they couldn't trick or treat, but on Monday (7 days after my kids positive) I got a runny nose. I tested and came back positive. I took it easy Tuesday and Wednesday but after feeling fine I went hunting Thursday - Sunday. My wife is an RN so I was equipped with a pulse oximeter to test oxygen, a humidifier, and a nebulizer to continue treatments. I lost taste and smell, had headaches, congestion and runny nose, but never developed a cough so I just monitored symptoms and hunted. I was well equipped to monitor symptoms but only 2.5 hours from home if I needed to come down.
I had a similar experience. I am an ED nurse and got VAX'd way back in Dec 2020, so my resistance not as strong in relation to the amount of exposure I have. I tested positive and had every single COVID symptom. My elk hunt was 10 days away so I stayed in isolation and by day 10 I left for Idaho on a 7 day solo elk hunt. I would say my cardio prior to covid was good, I was running 3+ miles 3-4 times a week and Pelotoning 30-45min. Hiking in Idaho solo was challenging but I kept it slow. I am still more tired than usual but it just could be laziness..haha
On a footnote, working in the ED and ICU, every single pt that we see that needs medical attention regardless of past and prior medical hx is unvax'd. I have had multiple pregnant women that have had emergency C-sec at 29wks due to not VAX, and then they barely survive. With the exposure level that is seen in an ED or ICU the VAX and PPE has assisted in our personal safety and that of our families.
Anyway... happy hunting and I hope everyone recovers strong and soon.
Quick question for you Jmustard all i have is a slight cough left but in the morning after i wake up i cough up little blood. it just started a few days ago is there something i can do to combat this?
Was supposed to leave this morning for Nebraska but ended up having to cancel. This past Saturday all I had was nasal congestion which is not at all unusual for me this time of year. Saw the doc and he felt it was a sinus infection and prescribed the Z-pack. Ironically this was on day 7 post 3rd dose of Pfizer. Monday I come home from work and my wife looked like she was going through the ringer with the flu and she was doing a video visit. had to run her for a Covid test which came back yesterday afternoon Positive. Daughter then came home in same condition as my wife. I had already called the doc and he put in for both of us to be tested which we are still awaiting the results.

I have had no fever, when I saw the doc I was 100% O2 saturation on room air. I do get winded on the steps though and continue with just nasal congestion. I do get an occasional headache.

So for this year I will be hunting here locally once m wife is better.
Quick question for you Jmustard all i have is a slight cough left but in the morning after i wake up i cough up little blood. it just started a few days ago is there something i can do to combat this?
Coughing up blood could be a number of things. First off it's scary to see. I would recommend getting it checked out by a primary MD that can correctly examine and order tests to determine what is the cause. I'm sorry I couldn't help more but it is concerning to see.
Coughing up blood could be a number of things. First off it's scary to see. I would recommend getting it checked out by a primary MD that can correctly examine and order tests to determine what is the cause. I'm sorry I couldn't help more but it is concerning to see.
Thanks i plan on going to urgent care in the morning to see what they say. Hopefully nothing to serious. My sister in law is a nurse and thinks i ruptured a blood vessel coughing or caused a tear in my lung and it just keeps re opening when i cough more but who knows