Caribou Gear

First elk


Sep 23, 2016
Such a great experience to get my first elk. Although it was my first year hunting them, after a couple unsuccessful trips with archery tackle and a couple blown opportunities I wasn’t sure if it would ever happen. I proud to say I am a public land elk hunter as I have found no greater reward than accomplishing it. Can’t wait until fall again!
If you took that nice bull in your first season elk hunting, you beat the odds quickly. Do you know how many people hunts for years and years and never get the chance to take one? Congrats and I hope there are more to come for you!
Colorado. I think being hard headed helped me out quite a bit. Just embrace the suck I kept telling myself. Hauling out your meat is my favorite part. That and covering country and seeing all the beautiful sights.
Nice job. I remember my first bull. All I could think about after that was the next one. And on and on... mtmuley
First up mate you were a hunter the moment you dedicated your time to hitting the hills.

Second up, congrats! I still remember my first deer like it was yesterday. Huntingdoesn't lose its allure with repetition.
You call it being "hard headed", my wife calls it being "stubborn", I call it being "persistence"! That's what it takes! Congratulations on a nice public land bull!
Barnesandbow, your story sounds exactly like my first elk as well. Some bowhunting, no luck, some hard work on public land when it seemed like it wasn't going to come together and then success. In my case, in the last 5 minutes of legal light on the last day.

Congratulations! I've experienced nothing yet as cool as the first one.

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