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First elk, Cow, CO archery


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
NW Iowa
Short and sweet; I typed this all up in detail only to loose it all for some reason. First, THANK YOU to all the guys here that have taught me a lot over the past 4 years and to Randy for his elk videos. His early season tips of focusing on food and water helped me find some elk.
So, my fourth try at archery elk in CO, OTC tag. Solo trip to a new mountain this year. Went out for the opener and decided when this cow came walking in right at me that my thoughts of passing up a cow and waiting for a bull were silly for a flatlander that hasn't shot an elk yet. When God gives you a gift, I say take it. 31 yard shot, some stressful tracking moments, some good advice in a phone call to a friend I met here on HT that helped me find her, and 1.5 days of packing out meat. Incredible experience! Hopefully these elk will be similar to muskies and come easier after the first one :)

Nice heavy cow! She should feed the family for awhile. I'm living by the motto, "Don't pass on the first day what you would shoot on the last!" Glad to hear you utilized that mentality for your hunt as well.
Awesome! I'm glad to see a fellow Iowan (I grew up in Ackley, IA) get on the board. Hoping the Leupold spotting scope I sold you a few years back helped in the harvest... :)
Congrats on breaking the ice!! Elk were my "unicorn" for a long time so I know how it can feel to finally get that first one.
Very nice looking cow. Great eats for the year at the Muskeez household.

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