First deer hunt of the year tomorrow

So far Opening Day has been my best day. Saw three that morning while shivering in the breeze and wishing I hadn't forgotten to put on long johns under my pants. Of course the basket 8 that walked to my tree could've been bigger so he got a pass. I sat in a pasture for the PM and the only deer I saw there was good enough for me. After practicing during the week and having no issues I stretched the range to about 200 and got both lungs and the heart.

Deer made it maybe 60 to 80 yds and I had a good fix on where he ran into the brush. I couldn't find the impact, but went in where I saw the brush swinging around when he disappeared. As I ducked under some briars I looked up to see him lying 15 yds away. Luckily I had to drag him only about 50 yds to where I could bring my truck. He has seven points, dark antlers, and was three and a half. Pictures will get added tomorrow.

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