Kenetrek Boots

First Aid


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Boise, Idaho
What do you have with you when you are 4-8 hours away from camp or truck? I know I would like to be ready for anything, but you can only haul so much.

Have decided that it is time to start sorting equipment and inventory.
4x4 gauze pads, ace bandage, tylenol. You use the gauze for a cut and rinse the cut with some drinking water and wrap it in place with the ace wrap. If you break something you can find some sticks and make a splint with the ace wrap. Tylenol is good for general all around pain relief.
Iodine, Gauze, Ace, Asprin (YES ASPRIN), benadryl

Iodine to disinfect wounds.
Gauze to cover wounds.
Ace used for almost anything that needs wrapped, splinted, or bleeding.
Asprin has so many uses, it's insane. Pain, Heartattack, .......
Benadryl for alargies, stings, swelling....
Pretty much what everyone else has plus some Tums/Imodium. Not pleasant to have the squirts that far back in.
Here is a thinking man. Imodium AD has saved many a day after a huge breakfast for those not used to eating bacon grease! As for the rest of you, pretty much what we carry and the ACE wraps... You just never know when you are going to twist an ankle or tweek a knee.

Pretty much what everyone else has plus some Tums/Imodium. Not pleasant to have the squirts that far back in.
#1 for me is a Sat phone.

4-6 hours would be best case in most instances, with weather it could be much longer. I have a kit to stitch up major wounds, quick clot, and lots of gauze, amongst other things mentioned here.

There are some good books out there on wilderness medicine.
i carry an EMT with me he is my hunting partner so if i go down he can patch me up now if he goes down he might be ******.:D

carry a first aid kit with some quick clot and ace wraps and a few other bandages some spider wire fishing line and a needle for stitches.
i am also an emt lol so i am my buddies kit, but something i bought that i carry is the quikclot stuff you can get from any surplus store we tried some out on a cow last year that got caught in a trap and was bleeding heavy from the leg and it clotted her up in about 3 minutes.
Iodine, Gauze, Ace, Asprin (YES ASPRIN), benadryl

Iodine to disinfect wounds.
Gauze to cover wounds.
Ace used for almost anything that needs wrapped, splinted, or bleeding.
Asprin has so many uses, it's insane. Pain, Heartattack, .......
Benadryl for alargies, stings, swelling....

Good choices. Iodine can also be used to disinfect water, but needs about a half hour contact period. Tincture of Iodine may be hard to come by these days. A good bandana is also usable as a triangular bandage or sling. I would also carry Neosporin cream and cortisone cream as well as some band aids. I usually keep some band aids in a small plastic bag in my wallet.