PEAX Equipment

Finicky Tikka

Hatchie Dawg

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
West TN
I saved up and got one of the new T3X Superlites in .270. I was planning on taking it elk hunting this fall but not so sure now. Leupold VX3i scope.

I'm having trouble finding a load it likes. I've tried 130 gr blue box federals, 140 gr Remington Hypersonics, Honady ELDX in 143 gr (I think), Federal Fusion 150 gr. I could not get a consistent group less than 1.5" Some much bigger. If I got a good group one day it would not do so the next.

Went to reloads and about the same thing. I have tried RL 19, 22, 26, with 140 gr Accubonds and 150 gr Partitions, and some 140 Ballistic tips. I've not laddered up a tenth of a gr at a time but have .5 grains at a time from 2 below to max based on published reloading data. I've varied length. tried 10 or 11 variations at this point. I have not used an OAL gauge.

I've tried clean and dirty barrel. Waited between shots etc. Practiced the light rifle techniques I've found. Thought I had it last week with an Accubond load and a partition load with both under .75 inch. Tried to duplicate today and the partition shot a two inch group, Accubond 1.5. Point of impact jumping around also. Not just a big group in the same area.

Cold bore can be really different at times.

I have not remounted the scope but really took pains with it the first time. I am considering remount now.

I would appreciate any constructive comments, especially if someone has experience with the gun and what their particular gun liked.

Been working on this about 6 weeks now. I was going to order custom turrets from Leupold but running out of time now. Bought the rifle on street cred but kinda disappointed.

I do have an Abolt in .280 and and a model 70 featherweight in 6.5 Swede that are shooting lights out so I am not without an option.

Check the torque on your action screws. Something seems out of whack, I haven't known many tikkas that wouldn't shoot.
What kind of scope bases/rings are you using and are they torqued to spec? I can't remember the specs but I'm sure we can find them somewhere. Like stated above check the action screws also. You may want to go ahead and free float the barrel, this made my superlite a .75 in rifle into a .5 in rifle. I'm sure there are bad Tikka's out there and maybe you just got one. But hopefully you can figure it out. I have the Talley one piece rings on mine and they have been flawless.
Not exactly sure what could cause your issue. My two .270 win Tikka's move a little bit from a cold/ warm barrel but not much (one is stainless T3X one is blued T3 light). I fire 2-3 fouling rounds (slowly) and then shoot groups with 2-3 minutes between shots. Generally get .75" to 1.25" groups using 130 GR Partitions, 150 Gr Partitions, 140GR Hornady Interlocks or 140 GR Winchester Accubond CT's. The larger groups may be the result of the 9X scope wires mostly covering the 1" bullseye combined with my lack of shooting skills. I'm wondering if your mounts are loose, or if your scope has an issue. Not really sure what else you can do. Maybe re-seat the barrel in the stock and tighten the action screws. Hope you get it figured out.
I like the variety of ammunition fed through it so far, and like others recommend checking optics (mount, torque, bum scope?).

I found what my rifle likes through tons of trial and error. Like you said, varying charges starting at factory min but trickle up one tenth of a grain with each group of 5. I shoot each of these 5 shot strings at exactly 100 yd and allow the barrel to cool between groups. The other bit of info that helped was using data from Barnes website on the recommended distance off the lands to seat bullets. Proper OAL made more of a difference than I thought.

Good luck
I load my 270 with 58.0 gr of H4831 under the 140gr Accubond and I know a lot of guys that swear by the same recipe. After you've checked torque on action, base, and ring screws try loading up a batch and see what she says.
POI change and inconsistent groups? I agree with several above, there is something loose or broken or misaligned.
I've got two piece Talley Lightweights. Could be a torque issue on the screws I guess, but I have never used a torque wrench and have 4 other rifles that shoot very well. But maybe.
It is a new scope. I guess something could be wrong with it.
Thanks for the suggestions
It is a pain, but try one of your other scopes on the Tikka. That way if it still does not shoot you know it is a gun and ammo issue not scope. As for my 270 ammo, my gun shoots Hornady Superformance very well. Tikka has a guarantee of 1 inch moa with sako ammo and all their guns are test fired three times for QC. So a return on your rifle is also a possible option.
Mine is the same way. I cannot get a group under 1 inch,either factory or handloads. Federal premium nosler partitions are about the best,just over an inch at 100 yards. My groups do not not,however, move around. I just cannot get a good group. Your issue does sound like a scope issue, mine I have no idea...
I couldn't get my Tikka 270 to like Accubonds. I switched over to a 140 Partition over 58 grains of H4831SC and it now gets 5 shot groups under an inch.
My tikka in 7 rem mag throws rounds 4-5 inches when the barrell is warm . Also underneath the sticker on the bottom the action screw was loose but about a full turn.
Mine is a little picky as well, but it shoots fusions and Hornady customs really well. And Winchester silver tips. I have noticed 2 things: 1) the ammo it doesn't like, it REALLY doesn't like - that would be remington core lokt, and American Whitetail (which is odd because they're the same basic design as the Hornady customs just without the boattail). 2) as someone else pointed out it throws shots when the barrel heats up - but I've read this is pretty common with light weight rifles.

That said, your issues sound more like a mechanical problem than an ammo problem. And I concur with the others that suspect the scope or its mounts.
I have heard of this issue with the Tikka, the stock flexes intermittently and touches the barrel affecting the harmonics, might not be your issue but worth checking out.
Really sounds like a scope or mount issue. I just had problems with a vx2 and just got it back with a whole list of repairs/ replacements.
Mine is a little picky as well, but it shoots fusions and Hornady customs really well. And Winchester silver tips. I have noticed 2 things: 1) the ammo it doesn't like, it REALLY doesn't like - that would be remington core lokt, and American Whitetail (which is odd because they're the same basic design as the Hornady customs just without the boattail). 2) as someone else pointed out it throws shots when the barrel heats up - but I've read this is pretty common with light weight rifles.

That said, your issues sound more like a mechanical problem than an ammo problem. And I concur with the others that suspect the scope or its mounts.

Odd, maybe it is American Whitetails in my gun causing it to throw bullets, (thats what I sighted in with and have been using). At 100 yards I can get 2-3 probably in a one inch group , its 2-300 yards where it really starts throwing them if the gun is hot - like after 3 shots, itll throw it off a 12 inch target at 300 yards. Come to think of it, Ive really never had a good group at 300 with them .
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My son's Tikka 270 has shot everything put in it, factory or reload, submoa. I'd pull the scope and bases off and redo everything.
Thanks guys.

May just practice with my rifles that shoot right now. Almost wrapped the thing around a tree this past weekend.

When I do get back to it I am going to remount the scope and look at the free float. Tikkas have a wedge that contacts the barrel just distal to the action. May trim that off as was suggested in this thread earlier.

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