Fingers Crossed For The Next 4 Months!


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
North Carolina
I know you guys do this all the time but I have finally put in for the Wyoming Antelope hunt this year. After chasing whitetails for 25ish years and never going west of the Appalachians, I want to try something a little different.
There were a couple guys on here (they know who they are) that have helped me through this process and I do appriciate all of their time and help. I`m use to going to Wal-Mart and handing them $40 and hunt all I this was different!
Man I hope I get drawn! :D
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I hear ya. I put in for my first out west hunt as well, only for Elk in Wyoming. If I don't get drawn then I will look hard at CO for Elk or maybe go for antelope in WY. We'll see what happens in a couple of weeks.
Good luck to you and welcome out west!!!! I put in for WY antelope draw as well, but the unit I'm putting in for is a pretty easy draw with leftovers from what I hear from the other guys going on the hunt. I also have hunts planned in Oklahoma and NY and maybe PA, on top of all the CO
Good luck to you and welcome out west!!!! I put in for WY antelope draw as well, but the unit I'm putting in for is a pretty easy draw with leftovers from what I hear from the other guys going on the hunt. I also have hunts planned in Oklahoma and NY and maybe PA, on top of all the CO

I have hunted PA, beautiful mountains to hunt in. I`m just not use to the style of hunting they do there, well at least where I was hunting. I enjoy hunting from a tree longer than the first 2 hours of opening day. But that`s just me.
Good friends and info is hard to come by. Good luck on the draws. I didn't put in there this year so there will be one more tag in the pool. HAd I put in... there would be one less ;)
If your coming to eastern Pa, I can help get you a buck here.You should have stayed in stand all day instead of 2 hrs.The impatient people have a nice habit of pushing deer around all day here
You'll definitely enjoy antelope hunting.Usually, alot of action during the hunt.Just make sure you can shoot good at distance in the wind.I don't think theres such thing as a calm windless day out there.Good luck in the draw!!
pronghorn are good animals to start with for ann out west hunt. There are tons of them and if yu blow a stalk, just wait a while and grab a cup of coffee and you'll have another chance soon, more than likely
If your coming to eastern Pa, I can help get you a buck here.You should have stayed in stand all day instead of 2 hrs.The impatient people have a nice habit of pushing deer around all day here

I think everyone in the area was driving deer. Had a guy come on our property from a neighboring property one afternoon at primetime decked out in blaze orange from boots to hat sneeking toward my stand with his gun at the ready. Where I hunt (NC) you do not do that. You stay on your property, no ifs, ands, or buts! I confronted the guy and informed him that he was trespassing. I told the guy who I went with and he acted like it was no big deal. The guy that I went with was from PA but moved to NC and had some land that he owned for us to hunt. Doubt I go back. Spent three days hanging stands for that! I was not impressed. Those people have no patience!
To gun hunt Pa, you need to learn to hunt high over escape cover.No sense wasting your time hanging stands in feeding areas.With a million deer hunters walking the woods here, hunting escape cover can almost be a consistant as an antelope hunt
Times have changed here now, with the new deer destruction plan implemented by our game commission.Theres a reason I get in my truck for 24-26 hr drives twice a year.Hope your antelope hunt turns out better for you
Hope your antelope hunt turns out better for you

Thanks, but I do want to say that the PA hunt was fun and I did kill a decent buck. It was just different, something that I was not use to. I will say that they had a lot less patience than I do. Don`t want to sound like I was complaining. I was with great company, seen alot of beautiful country, and seen alot of deer. I was aggrivated a little, but like the old saying goes, "When in Rome..."! It ain`t all about the kill. I have been on a lot of hunts where I didn`t kill a single thing but some the best hunts that I have been on. And to rethink about what I said, if my buddy invited me to go again to PA, I would go and have a good time knowing what to expect with the deer drives.

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