Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Final Logo ideas

Some great points everyone, #1 works best for us Hunttalker's but #2 will work better to tie into the existing brand with those not as familiar. It takes a lot of time to switch the average consumer from "Gatorade" to "G" even though the graphics stay consistent. It would make a lot of sense to use both logo's to soft convert to the OYOA version. Just my 2cents.

I would vote for the top or first logo, only if you were planning on a marketing campaign to back it up. The reason I say this is most people may not recogonize the abbreviation today, but with some marketing they will connect with it. My limited experience is that after we introduced Skull Hooker European Skull Mounting Brackets, we received interest with various companies about implementing their logos with our product. Those with long winded (so to speak) logos or detailed logos simply did not work for easy recognition or use with varioius products like our or even products like shirts, hats, banners etc. Just one opinon and really just some food for thought. Keep up the good work.~R
New Logo!

Good Stuff Randy! For me personally number 1 is definately a winner, but like many of the others would buy and sport gear with either of them. Can't Wait!
I like the top one on impulse but the bottom one offers more brand clarity. Might be moot in light of 'logo' definition.

The old guy is right :D

Something amiss with the font on #2 when flashed by quickly. Looks a little generic.
I hate acronyms so it's #2 for me.....Do you really want people constantly asking you what "OYOA" means?
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Some great points everyone, #1 works best for us Hunttalker's but #2 will work better to tie into the existing brand with those not as familiar. It takes a lot of time to switch the average consumer from "Gatorade" to "G" even though the graphics stay consistent. It would make a lot of sense to use both logo's to soft convert to the OYOA version. Just my 2cents.

I agree, for those of us who know this site then #1. Many out there do not know what "OYOA" stands for so #2 would give you more exposure.

good luck to all
the dog
Since you asked, I don't like the antler. I don't know what I'd like better offhand, but it's just a bit fancy for a bunch of do-it-yourselfers.
I prefer(and agree with the reasoning of others) #2 of the choices provided. I think members of our community recognize the anagram but newbies and John Q Public don't recognize it yet. We have not yet achieved 'one name' or 'anagram' status. Yours is a fantastic model and will get there eventually, but for now the safe bet is #2.
I also look at the RMEF logo at the top of this page and see too much in common.
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