
Fighting cancer

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Ran into a friend a few weeks ago at the PO. She commented on my good spirits and just looking better. "God has a plan for you",she said.
I replied "I know.He has been trying to kill me since I was 5." She did not find it funny.

Life is a series of game trails. You might pick the right one. And survive.
Been shot,stabbed, blown up. Almost fell off a mountain and smashed my face on a reef. Almost drowned a dozen times.
I choose my path.
Spent 2 months with my parents in hospice in '98. Buried them both at sea beside each other.
The last 2 weeks of my uncles life every day. I have his hat collection.

I am still kicking. I have never given up, on myself. I don't plan on it soon either.
Hell, I have a puppy to take care of now. A little ranch free & clear. Good water.

Cancer is a scourge I wish on no one.
But Lord save the fool who crosses me.
I have a plan. I do not have time for trivial ventures.
I have a positive path in front of me.
Had my first cancer this year, thankfully cut off and gone. Sure to have more in the future thanks to "Methel Ethel Death", as we jokingly called it, not to mention the JP-4 and 8, depleted uranium residue and burn pits, forever chemicals in water, Floride and who knows what else.
Cancer treatment(s) other than chemo, radiation, surgery, immunotherapy.

Anyone fighting cancer. Be aware/research. Fenbendazole & Ivermectin. Both are anti-parasitic medicines. That have been used on domestic animals as well as humans for many decades. Whom have parasites. Those two medicines in a few online studies. Have a chemical make up. That stops cancer cell division & Spread in. Animals & humans alike. Animals can/will/may get the same cancers as us humans. It cost you nothing, but time to do your own research. Do a lot of research on either of the above medicines. Some internet engines do not show how either of the mentioned medicines are useful in fighting cancer(s). So if you do research & find little to no info on them. Try a different research internet engine/search site. Why the Gov/FDA. Has not noted, researched/studied. Nor legalized either of the above medicines as effective in fighting cancer(s). Is beyond me.
what in hell is this posted for and how is it related to fitness and first aid md back country survival! It is not, is the answer?
Going through it here right now in PA with my mother...I can relate to you all that have loved ones who went through it. Those who poke fun at it obviously haven't been affected. Stay strong folks.
Nurses my mom through breast cancer back in 2005, lost an uncle to it in 2008. Named my oldest after him. Now walking through it with my old man.

I’ve been affected plenty, so if I chose to poke fun of a kook on the internet suggesting I pull the de-wormer off the shelf in the barn and use it as the miracle cure for my old man’s metastatic prostate cancer, it’s a well earned right.

Don’t like it? Use the ignore button. I’ll sleep fine tonight either way.
My dad died from lung cancer at the age of 53. I was 23 at the time. Ill turn 52 in February. I've been doing alot of reflection as I approach his age. It really makes me realize how young he really was. I'm still watching my kids turn into adults and excited for the path they are currently on. I still have so much more I want to accomplish. My mom died at 63 from ovarian cancer, that is too young as well.
Looks like the Chinese are studying it. In their summery they explain fairly clearly why it isn't currently being used as a treatment.

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