PEAX Equipment

Feral pigeons for dog training

Good plan. Youre at least 4 months out from having any birds flying, probably a couple more. Depending where you are in MT, I may be able to help out with some squeakers in a couple months if you want.
Take the ferals and get them on nest's and they will home. I have ferals and homers, like the ferals best. Smaller birds, easier to handle and wilder when flushed. I used to travel up to about 50 miles to train and had only ferals in those days, they work great. Sold some ferals years ago to a trainer in Bend, Ore and he put the crate on top of other stuff in his PU bed. Told him he should tie it down but he didn't want to. Going inot Bend the crate slid off the truck, hit the road and broke open. All those birds came home! about 70 miles. Don't under estimate ferals!
I got Jimmy when she was about 4 months, rescue, keep her in the cage for 2 months, now she rules the shop 4 years later. Rides on the Harley and when she's tried of riding she Flys back to the shop. She'll not tolerate another bird in the shop so I'm stuck with her.
Once I took her to my friends farm in VA 117 miles and I opened the van door she took off. She had a good fly and I thought she may have headed home but my friend spotted her on the roof of the barn I got a plastic red cup with some seed and rattled it and she flew back down to me.
Most of the videos I've watch of racing pigeons are male pigeons. Stronger birds. Although the females are fast, Jimmy out ran a red tail hawk couple months ago, I'm not sure about there endurance.
Jimmy is a King pigeon they are sleek and fast. Make great pets and very smart.


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I would get feral pigeons and use them for steady to wing shot and fall as well as retrieving training training. Would use homers for steadying and pointing drills.

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