Federal Land Transfer info

The very idea of NM taking over Fed lands is simply idiotic. Talk about gubberment corruption,NM has been at it for 500 yrs. State parks are a joke. Yeah they could take over....hah.
I really trust the extraction and energy industry and all they have done for us here ....or should I say for Tejas.
Schools trust land....schools are where in the line up nationally?
The trophy ranch industry that has put many family outfits out of business,gets the leases now and is gobbling up all the large ranches,only to take them out of production.The tax loss write off is worth it...even pays. And the folks who own these so called ranches are taking them out of hunting,except for their buddies who get given tags as a gift on an Augusta green. Loss of local outfitters and guides ,etc of income .
And these are the very folks who own the oil and coal extraction industry here. They would much rather see it stripped, drilled, dumped on and even now have plans for more toxic waste sites to follow the ones leaking now,how about WIPP?........sounds good to me.
I'm 60,no kids,why should I care what some dip in the city wants for his kids and any one in the future.Whats my cut ,NOW? Gimme.....

Seriously? Have you folks that think UT,AZ,NV,NM etc..do a better job and are in favor of states getting total control of this land really thought about it? Seriously?
If there wasn't enough evidence to justify concerns of what states will do with public lands, especially those with a history of disposal that Utah has, here is more evidence.


I notice the state is retaining the mineral rights, but not the recreational access rights. But, some have defended the auction as only being a few thousand acres. To paraphrase Everett Dirksen, "A few thousand here, ten thousand there, a township here, and pretty soon you're talking about real land."

Is it any coincidence that the biggest promoters of the scheme to steal your Federal lands are mostly from Utah? I don't think so, given how good they are putting out public teats for their pals to suckle from, whether it be cash, tags, or in this case, land.

The effort to steal these public lands is getting close to becoming a "Cold dead hands" issue.

Classic example and a preview to what UT, WY, CO, NM, MT, NV, etc. would do if they ever gained control of Federal Lands.

Doesn't come as any shock to me that the Utards are peddling State lands...they don't live for tomorrow, only today.
are you utah hunters awake out there in rep bishop congressional district?

We are awake and this Mr. Bishop has been brought up many times. I have sent him many emails and would encourage everyone to send him emails putting pressure on him for his stupidity. Do you have an issue you want to bring up?
All of you who support the transfer of federal lands to the states please send me photos of your houses, as I think I can take care of them better than you can. I don't own them, but I want them, and I'm certain I can sell them or allow someone else to rent them, which will be a great benefit to me. You can drive by once in a while and look at them. I get what I want and you get to give it to me, so we all ought to be happy.
Nemont, that puts things in perspective! Thanks for sharing that chart.
Thanks for the link, Oak. Thanks to the good folks in Utah for offering to squander $2 million to clear the air on this topic, once and for all.

This quote here, as to why they chose a certain law firm, is classic Utah political skid greasing, while Logan, Utah-based Strata was chosen for its knowledge of public land issues and its “conservative mindset,”

Any bets some partners in the Strata law firm made donations to these legislators to verify their "conservative mindset?" I pay 2:1 odds.

Really, I wish this case was already in the courts. I'm so tired of these half-baked ideas distracting from the real discussion that could improve management of these public lands. These folks have no interest in better management for the public good, unless one summarily equates private management as better management for the public good.
The land swindle crowd is hoping to put a legal case in front of Scalia, Alito, Roberts, and Thomas, with the hope they will throw out Congress's legal authority to reserve land for the public. I suspect that is exactly what they would do if Kennedy goes along with them.
The land swindle crowd is hoping to put a legal case in front of Scalia, Alito, Roberts, and Thomas, with the hope they will throw out Congress's legal authority to reserve land for the public. I suspect that is exactly what they would do if Kennedy goes along with them.

SCOTUS would have to undermine over 140 years of constitutional law and precedent to do so: http://www.acslaw.org/acsblog/publi...ot-constitutional-then-not-constitutional-now

This effort is slowly being exposed for what it is: A way to defraud counties of tax dollars so people like Ken Ivory can continue to have a six figure paycheck.
Rumor has it some guy from Natrona County raked his county commissioners over the coals for donating to ALC...and it weren't pretty...for the commissioners.
Rumor has it some guy from Natrona County raked his county commissioners over the coals for donating to ALC...and it weren't pretty...for the commissioners.


Watching these state and local politicians get slick talked out of their very scarce revenues serves as prima facie evidence how easy it is to manipulate local and state governments in the west. If a guy like Ivory and his swindle squad can slicker them, imagine how easy it will be once some big money guys with moxey start bending their ears about taking those troublesome lands off their hands. Anyone watching this from the outside and seeing the cronyism with which they operate should show you what little chance your kids and grandkids have of enjoying these lands if they ever are transferred to these wingnut operators.
Rumor has it some guy from Natrona County raked his county commissioners over the coals for donating to ALC...and it weren't pretty...for the commissioners.

Yep it was me...

What gets me is they(County Commissioners) act like they know about as much as grade schoolers on the issue. They blindly gave Ivory $1000 of our tax dollars without public comment!!! When one Commish tried to tell me there was no difference in land use, I embarrassed him. He didn't even reply back. Another made sure I sat down, so he could talk, but I couldn't rebut him. Called him this morning and he said he didn't want the meeting to drag on!

That won't happen again, cat's out of the bag. One Commissioner publicly said he won't vote to give additional money, another privately told me he thinks it was a mistake. Either way, any future attempts to fund ALC will go before the public, although I think the Commisioners are done with it.
For those wanting to help fund Ken Ivory's retirement, $50 will make you a Bronze member. And for those even more concerned about Mr. Invory's financial plight, give them your credit card and for a small monthly fee of just $49.99, you can step up as a Silver member.

And for the most altruistic, whether individual, business, or local government agency, Mr. Ivory would ask that you donate to the Gold level.


Am I the only guy who thinks of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker when I see Ivory slicked up and asking for money?

For those wanting to help fund Ken Ivory's retirement, $50 will make you a Bronze member. And for those even more concerned about Mr. Invory's financial plight, give them your credit card and for a small monthly fee of just $49.99, you can step up as a Silver member.

And for the most altruistic, whether individual, business, or local government agency, Mr. Ivory would ask that you donate to the Gold level.


Am I the only guy who thinks of Jim and Tammy Faye Baker when I see Ivory slicked up and asking for money?

For a mere $25, I'll go down to my garden and get a ziplock sandwich bag full of chicken chit. For half the price of your ALC bronze membership you'll have a far more useful turd.

PM me for my paypal account.
Ken Ivory's flinty black heart rejoices. Jennifer Fielder, Montana's champion of the Land Transfer Movement, has been hired as the new CEO of the American Lands Council.

On one hand it is distressing as hell that someone with these points of view is in a position of power in the Montana Government, on the other I am a bit surprised. Though it certainly comes from a biased position, Fielder has never impressed with her arguments or ability to convince.
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