Federal Land Management - Congress Is The Problem

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
In Part 3 of our 5 episode series on states and privateers trying to wrest our public lands, we explore how the problems and frustrations with Federal Land Management can be traced right back to Congress. Many of the people claiming Federal lands are managed poorly are the ones with power to change that, yet when proposals are brought forth, these same complainers block legislation to improve things.

When we blame "The Damn Feds," we should be blaming Congress. Every single thing frustrating us about land management could be fixed by Congress.

The executive branch does just that - executes. It's in the name. They merely execute the laws and rules promulgated by (you guessed it...) Congress. But to admit that means you have to admit you are part of the problem/solution and that you share that responsibility with millions of people that may not agree with you.

Well done Randy.