Favorite Tree?

There is nothing finer than a giant white pine in my opinion. I have one planted in the backyard but probably won’t live long enough to see it at full height.
I never really thought about having a favorite tree before. I do like Big Leaf Mapels with 10–12-inch leaves. The smell of a Port Orford Cedar. The way a giant Sugar Pine just seems to stand out over the rest of the trees in the forest or the shear toughness of the White Oak. But if I have to choose a favorite it would have to be a Madrone. They're just sexy.
My favorite tree is the Nuttal’s Oak. Locally we call it Striped Oak because the acorns have dark horizontal stripes on them. It is a a really beautiful tree and is a deer magnet during the late season as it tends to hold on to it’s acorns later than most of the other oaks around here. Most of the oaks I have planted on my place are Nuttal’s.

Bald Cypress is right up there close to the top. There are some cypress trees around here that were probably alive when DeSoto came through.
I never thought about it before, but white oak is probably my favorite. Growing up in SC my neighbors had giant white oaks that were easily pre-War of Northern Agression.

These days I have a particular favorite tree, bc it is situated perfectly on a high ridge between three deer trails, and I can watch bald eagles fish the river while waiting on a mature buck to stroll by, which happens with ridiculous consistency...
I'm glad a few others are tree nerds. A few year we had to cut down a huge bur oak along the river. We counted 195 rings. Nothing compares to the redwoods some of you have, but i thought that was pretty neat that its older than my home state. If you counted back you could see the rings super close together during the 30s droughts.
That's neat. Neighbors just had to remove a huge bur oak, and my kids and I easily counted 160 rings...they're cool trees for sure
If your trying OK, probably a lame topic for most. But I have become enthralled with planting trees lately. Maybe I'm weird for having favorite trees but I really dig bur oak, scotch pine and more recently started to plant some catulpas. Anyone else like to plant random trees and/or have any favorites
OK, probably a lame topic for most. But I have become enthralled with planting trees lately. Maybe I'm weird for having favorite trees but I really dig bur oak, scotch pine and more recently started to plant some catulpas. Anyone else like to plant random trees and/or have any favorites?
If you want one deer won't bother a sycamore is a good one and a good deer stand tree.
Bald cypress. No landscape gives me that feeling of connection to the ground than a swamp full of massive cypresses, covered in moss with knees spreading out in all directions.
Maple. Great beautiful canopy and one of the best burning wood. Lots of heat and burns clean. Splits with an axe like butter.
New favorite is NM locust. Flowers in spring, shade and serious thorns. The aspens,IMG_0165 (1).JPGIMG_0169.JPGIMG_0174.JPGalways the aspens. And apples of course.

24 conifers and 14 oaks grew where I was in CA. Sycamores.
I do have pinion to sooth my soul.
I have been planting trees most of my life. I would say shag bark hickory and bur oak would be my favorite hard wood. White pines would be my favorite pine of which I lost about 60 of them during the derecho in August of 2020. I planted the whites in 1989 so they were beautiful mature trees when they were ripped apart by the storm. When I first saw the damage I wanted to lay down and ball like a baby. Two years later I am almost finished cleaning up the mess.
I need to plant some trees but my favorite is a pignut hickory. Close second is a white oak