Caribou Gear

Favorite time of the year


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2013
North Dakota
As I sit here in my last semester of college I become distracted with all the pictures and stories being posted on here. I enjoy reading everyone's stories from the successful harvest to those who didn't harvest an animal but still gutted it out and had a great time. Seeing these pictures and reading the stories it fuels the fire I have to get back out there and hopefully share another story of my own on here. Planning a OTC DIY elk hunt next fall so I can not wait to be out there again. After my first elk hunt in ND back 2013 I can not get enough of it.

I can't wait to be back in the badlands this year after 8 years of waiting to chase muleys. I will be posting pictures and stories come November. So I thank all of you posting on here my professors may not appreciate my distracted attention but oh well. Best of luck to everyone this fall stay safe and shoot straight. I cannot wait to read all the stories.

Dude, after college your free time will go down the drain. Better hunt now before you become a weekend warrior like myself. :(
Dude, after college your free time will go down the drain. Better hunt now before you become a weekend warrior like myself. :(

That's true, but college pays off in the end. I remember skipping classes to go hunt and ending up with a not-so-good grade report that semester.

Best to tend to your studies now so you can afford to do as much hunting as you want later.

"as you sow, so shall you reap"
Keep rockin kid.We can hold the 'fort' down for ya! It aint going anywhere. Price of tags just going up, up up.
Lots of hunting right there by you and hunting with paid time off in your future, is something that is lovely!
Paid to hunt!
Stay in school.
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The good thing is you have a lot of good years hunting ahead of you.

I worked full-time while going to college, so it actually seems like I have all sorts of free time now compared to back then :)
Yeah i get to do a lot of local hunting and fishing here. With work and school doesn't seem to be a lot of freedom to do a big hunt. I do plan on a lot more of it in my future. Me and an old classmate are going to start buying points in various states so hopefully it will pay off and can do some awesome hunts for years to come. I love listening to all the stories and information you all have to offer. Growing up on the Prarie never heard many stories or seen pictures of western hunts.
Fall 1987........

Had an Econ test.
Had a choice to cram for it - Twin were in the series, studying was out of the question - or hunt the east side of the Crazies on private land....lotsa nice Muley bucks back then.
Of course I went hunting.
Of course I bombed the test.
Professor probably wasn't impressed, but after all - he was teaching at Montana State University. I'm sure I wasn't the only one out there enjoying my favorite time of year during his test time.

Couldn't get a shot at a really large Muley that disappeared over a ridge that day.
The Muley still haunts me, the bombed test - not so much.

Your college story brings back memories....thanks.
Your welcome, I am guilty of skipping a few days here and there to go get some duck or pheasants with college buddies. Sometimes the professors were more willing to let you skip if I brought them jerky or sausage. That always seemed to smooth things over for me at North Dakota State University.
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