Favorite style/type of fishing and favorite place to do it ?

Pinch that barb down BrentD, the ear you save could be your own.

I hope that new to you rod fishes well, may your line be tight often.
One of my clients last year while sockeye fishing


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One of my clients last year while sockeye fishing
At least he was wearing glasses!
A badly timed cast or just not proficient with the fly rod?

You are in the same game as me, I always ask the question when I get an enquiry, 'are you an experienced caster' as you will know, often the reply comes back 'oh yes done it before, no problem' the fact they had a lesson 30 years ago and hadn't picked up a fly rod since then they think it all comes flooding back, er, no it doesn't! :eek:


Over 20 years I consider him one of my most improved anglers, yet he can be difficult to coach. It was a very windy day I recall.
Over 20 years I consider him one of my most improved anglers, yet he can be difficult to coach. It was a very windy day I recall.

have you ever fished the russian/kenai conversion. I have not but literally hundreds do and at the same timeo_O

When do you head North ?
Randi, I first fished it in 1961, 6 years old. I’ve fished there many times but not since about 1990 or 91. It can get busy but folks still have fun.
I enjoy ultra-light fishing for trout, panfish or just about anything that will bite. From throwing 1/16 oz spinners to wacky rigging small plastics, even the smallest fish is a fight.
I'm a fly guy. 40+ years.
I've wet lines from New England to the Keys/Bahamas, Baja, up to Washington .
I'm mostly happy trying to catch as many different kinds of fish in Montana each year.
Rainbows, Yellowstone Cutts, Browns, Westslope Cutts, Grayling, Brookie, pike, Largemouth,Smallmouth, Carp, Sunfish, Perch, Walleye.
Things are a little limited right now but winter midge hatches are tough to beat.


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Transplant from South Florida that landed in Flagstaff. Miss the salt water bottom fishing, mutton and grouper were an addiction at my last duty station (Tortuga's). Since coming west I've been trying to sort out this small stream fly fishing thing, headed to Lee's Ferry in April... I'll have 6 days to try and catch something.
Fishing...….love it all. Spring time I like to hit the trout streams. Then, when the weather warms up I switch over to fishing lakes for largemouth bass, pike, and muskies. Really have gotten into floating rivers for smallmouth bass and muskies in recent years. The St. Croix River has become a favorite of mine. Have made a few trips out to Montana to trout fish. Also, dabble in fishing for catfish and suckers. Winter time I love to ice fish: mostly panfish, pike, and walleye (this is when I am trying to fill the freezer)
I'm a Midwest walleye angler. I fish lots of other fish too with lots of different methods. But I target walleye much more than other species! Just something about the illusive fish that gives a great challenge!
Spring time bass fishing! And now my daughter is hooked on going she’s just not
Sure on holding the fish lol We’re working on that


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One of my clients last year while sockeye fishing
One of my very earliest memories is of me standing on the banks of my grandfathers farm pond holding a cane pole while my father tried to get me to hold still long enough for him to get the size 12 hook out of his ear :)
Spring and fall shorefishing the river for smallmouth bass and walleyes. In the winter time spearing pike2121.jpeg2105.jpeg
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