Fatassed jet ski riders banned!! It's about time!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
the National Park Service announced its first restrictions on jet skis. Twenty parks have now banned jetskis, including Grand Teton, Olympic, and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. In addition, restrictions will be implemented in most National Recreation Areas and National Seashores. "Our major concern is visitor conflict, but we're not going to entirely close them out of areas where they are a major recreational activity," says Chip Davis, Park Service regulations program manager.

I'm tired of all those damn jet skis tearing up the lakes and scaring all the fish. If they can't stay on designated jet ski trails I think they should be banned from all public waters.
While the parks service did bann jet skies its a real shame, this is one way they are trying to get all motor boats off the waterways.
The concern about jet skies cause havok on the lake had nothing to do with the reason why they were banned other than an excuess to start getting all motor boats off the lake.

This is just like the gun bann first you go after the ones that people dont like then you hit them all.

This isnt like the gun ban, by the way, what guns cant you buy Del???? Last I checked the 2nd amendment was still there.

I dont believe that the intent of National Parks and National Recreation areas was to provide jet skiing opportunities.
I'm tired of all those damn jet skis tearing up the lakes and scaring all the fish. If they can't stay on designated jet ski trails I think they should be banned from all public waters.

LMAO Ithaca. :D :D Glad you could bring a little humor to it also. ;)

in certain states you cany buy pistols or assult style weapons.

I dont believe that the intent of National Parks and National Recreation areas was to provide jet skiing opportunities
Your probally right just like I dont believe that the intent of National Parks and National Recreation areas was to provide water sking, house boats bass boats etc. opportunities either. ;) (they didnt have them when back then when these parks were designated.)

Wake up Buzz its a form of recreation just like atv riders with the exception that its on water and nothing gets torn up. So wears the good from banning jet ski's?

I had a girlfriend who had a jet ski, and we took it out a few times. What a waste of time, and it's BORING! Once around a lake and you've seen everything, and there's nothing left to do. You can't fish from the damn things, what good are they? And all they do is make it so nobody else can enjoy being on the water.
Originally posted by Delw:
Wake up Buzz its a form of recreation just like atv riders with the exception that its on water and nothing gets torn up. So wears the good from banning jet ski's?

Delw [/QB]
If you mean 'where is' the good, then I'd say it saves me from wearing out wrist rockets & saves multiable pounds of .54 musket balls. If you can show me one, just one jetskier who is not a certifible cretin or just one who doesn't go out of thier way to harrass the sportsmen who payed for the whole national park system. Well I'll back off my frim belief that they should be shot in the public interest.
Originally posted by WH:
I had a girlfriend who had a jet ski, and we took it out a few times. What a waste of time, and it's BORING! Once around a lake and you've seen everything, and there's nothing left to do. You can't fish from the damn things, what good are they? And all they do is make it so nobody else can enjoy being on the water.
I totally agree. They are boring as hell on lakes. But on a river, or even better on the ocean, they are a blast. I took one out from Pacific Bay in San Diego with 3-4 foot swells. We rode out to sea jumping the swells until you were too tired to hang on. Then we would turn around, head back in, and do again. That was the most fun I had had in a long time. You could jump one swell and land on the back of another.

That rant doesn't even deserve a reply srr.
snake river rufus, using that logic they might as well ban ski boats too, they've caused more problems for fishermen than jetskis do you shoot at them too?
I saw a neat trick on a jet ski once. I was eating in a restaurant in Corpus Christi, TX on the coast. This guy in a jet ski come blazing up to the window outside the restaurant, does a spin, gets off of his throttle, and leans backbards. Him, his jet ski, and his wake dissappear under the water. He went backwards down under the water on his jet ski. Then, in a few seconds he comes flying up out of the water, like a flying fish, and takes off again. It was neat.
Originally posted by MarlandS:
snake river rufus, using that logic they might as well ban ski boats too, they've caused more problems for fishermen than jetskis do you shoot at them too?
Not in my neck of the woods. Once in a while a skier will make a few too many close passes and I'll drop a zara spook or something across thier tow rope though.
Originally posted by Hangar18:

That rant doesn't even deserve a reply srr. [/QB]
That is not a rant- a rant is what I give jetskiers while they pick up fiberglass pieces. I'm generally pretty easy going, but the clowns that don't pay into our system while they screw with those of us that do, have worn out thier welcome. These guys go out of thier way to harass fishermen,snorklers, and scuba divers. I promise that the first time you come up to your dive bouy and these pucks are using it as course marker- you will see where I'm coming from! :mad:
From SRR:
harrass the sportsmen who payed for the whole national park system.
I'm not sure what you're talking about. Do you think that sportsmen fund the National Park Service? Explain to me how.

Originally posted by Oak:
From SRR: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />harrass the sportsmen who payed for the whole national park system.
I'm not sure what you're talking about. Do you think that sportsmen fund the National Park Service? Explain to me how.

</font>[/QUOTE]Damn, we blew it. :confused: How did we not reserve the right to hunt in them. :mad:

I think I'll go back and read the fine print again. Maybe I missed the part where I can hunt in Mesa Verde.
I fish alot and I am on the water sometimes as much as 7 times a week,most of the time 2-3 times a week. AZ has a load of jetskies. Yeah these guys love to ride wakes and have a good time(what they consider a good time). They have every right to be there as I have, they generally dont go buzzing by guys fishing the banks but they do at times and to be honest its something I just have to live with. I hear alot of complaints from fishermen because they are buzzing banks, butyet these fishermen dont relize they are fishing on the oposite side. when you ask them why they are bitching about it cause they are no where near the jet skis you get the responce" well I was going to goto taht side"
At that time my reply's are this.

Get a life asshole
jet skis dont scare fish
quit your bitchen and go fish somewhere else
stay home and fish weekdays
the one I always end it with is
hey what if another bass boat was over there would you bitch then? the answer is always NO BUT!

You see some fishermen are about the most self centered people I have ever met its all about them and only them, but yet these guys are the first ones to blast through a NO wake zone.

Jet skis also pay alot of money(more jet skis than fishermen) to get into the lake to play. There are generally pleasure craft than fishermen on the lakes in AZ.

As for the jet ski scaring the fish away its quite the opposite. We take our bass boats and run circles sometimes just to churn up the water, then about 5-20 mins later you will see bass busting all over the place.

So they have every right to be there as you and I

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