Fastest way to find some 6.5’s

Feb 2021 is not a great time to start rush buying rifles and ammo. OP will be well served to resist the urge to buy a rifle he doesn't really want at a premium, and then overpay for ammo that isn't really right for the purpose. It may be better to think about a longer term path to the right rifle, the right ammo and the right skills at the right price. I go back to the .22lr idea - that may be the place to start and then keep one's eye out for the right gun/ammo to pop up along the way. Seems like anytime I rushed/pushed a purchase I ended up selling and then buying what I really wanted later and the two step process added a lot of cost (see my backpack and riflescope journeys)
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Feb 2021 is not a great time to start rush buying rifles and ammo. OP will be well served to resist the urge to buy a rifle he doesn't really want at a premium, and then overpay for ammo that isn't really right for the purpose. It may be better to think about a longer term path to the right rifle, the right ammo and the right skills at the right price. I go back to the .22lr idea - that may be the place to start and then keep one's eye out for the right gun/ammo to pop up along the way. Seems like anytime I rushed/pushed a purchase I ended up selling and then buying what I really wanted later and the two step process added a lot of cost (see my backpack and riflescope journeys)
Seems like pretty good advice right there. It is hard to beat repetition on a .22LR before mucking with a center fire! Sure wish I'd known to do that when I started.
I agree with the idea but I haven't seen a box of .22s in ages. A store in town does have a few boxes of 300 RUM though.
Definitely crazy. But just checked AmmoSeek and there were a lot of plinking options for 0.20-0.25 per round which is very high, but better than $1+ a round for .308 when it comes to buying 500 rds for basic practice. Plus much less shooter fatigue practicing with .22.
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Just keep looking if you're down to thinking about Axis's
Not looking atall. Got plenty guns now. Just commenting. Left hand rifles are a hard sell as it is and made harder when you can't even offer common ammo for them. Those barrel nuts make ugly to me in the same way an extended cab pickem up truck looks ugly. If I wanted a cheap gun rack gun for my pickem up truck the Savage might be a good choice.
Not looking atall. Got plenty guns now. Just commenting. Left hand rifles are a hard sell as it is and made harder when you can't even offer common ammo for them. Those barrel nuts make ugly to me in the same way an extended cab pickem up truck looks ugly. If I wanted a cheap gun rack gun for my pickem up truck the Savage might be a good choice.
Sorry that was meant as a rhetorical "you're" not necessarily YOU.
Academy Sports, if you have one local. I have seen them pop up online for shipping too.