So tonight my buddy called me up and wanted to go after some minnows with his new seine net. He has gotten into the whole catfishing thing and has to get the minnows the hard way. We get to the river and all is going well. My old pawn shop waders are even working really, up until the point where I found a huge hole.
That hole decided to eat me alive and I fell completely into the river. I was soaked. At least it wasn't cold though.
Hindsight is 20/20. Next time my buddy suggests trying to go real fast downstream pulling a net I don't think I will be joining him. Hope all of you get a kick out of that.
That hole decided to eat me alive and I fell completely into the river. I was soaked. At least it wasn't cold though.
Hindsight is 20/20. Next time my buddy suggests trying to go real fast downstream pulling a net I don't think I will be joining him. Hope all of you get a kick out of that.