F150 longevity

I sold my ‘02 Silverado with 220k on it last year and bought a ‘14 f150 with the 3.5 eco boost wits 35k on it. It is way more comfortable but I’ve kicked myself ever since. Its already developed a rattle on the drivers side that I’m afraid is a turbo issue.
2011 and going strong (insert wood knocking sound in the background here)! Love some of the options on the newer rides but just can’t justify the price, esp. these post-pandemic prices!. Looks like she needs a bath🤔

Got my first F150 last summer after tiring of waiting for Toyota to put better engine in the sequoia line.

Like I told there service guy yesterday - “yup this is why I haven’t bought a Ford in 30 years - I guess I needed a $65,000 reminder.”

All kinds of little crap going wrong on an expensive new vehicle and completely clueless service folks. Talk to three service techs about the same problem and get 5 answers, none of which actually fix the problem.

First time I see a Toyota that meets my needs I am out of the Ford family.
late 2020 f150 with 36,000 miles. Started having intermittent shifting issue so I asked the selling dealer to flush the tranny; they refused. Local ford guys did it and it’s been fine since. Ignore fords absurd service intervals first and foremost. An auto tranny isn’t going to last 150,000 miles on factory oil.
late 2020 f150 with 36,000 miles. Started having intermittent shifting issue so I asked the selling dealer to flush the tranny; they refused. Local ford guys did it and it’s been fine since. Ignore fords absurd service intervals first and foremost. An auto tranny isn’t going to last 150,000 miles on factory oil.
Maybe not on a Ford but the Tundra Trannys do!
Yesterday at 189k the transmission went out.

So new transmission it is.

I’ve been pretty hard on this truck. Up until last October when I bought a 21 year old lifted 2 door Jeep, I took it every god awful ridiculous place I wanted to go. It’s been used like a truck.
That said, I’m still disappointed with the longevity.
These trucks, particularly the 5.0 are known to last. Mine has not. It’s been maintained exactly how it should. Regular oil changes, all fluids serviced when recommended etc.

When I lived in Montana, we had company trucks of the same kind pushing 300k with nothing but oil changed and regular maintenance.

Just bad luck for me I guess.

Just putting this out there for others to read. Interested in hearing how your trucks have lasted. Particularly this generation of 5.0 F-150s
I appreciate these stories.

Any stories about your kids pissing you off?:LOL:

I bought this F150 4X4 for $16,400 in 1993 and finally got rid of it last year.
Original powertrain, 302 engine, manual transmission no problems.
Had to replace the manual hubs several times and the clutch once,
the slave cylinder for the clutch would rupture when it was colder than -40 degrees.
Since I'm tall, the bench seat crunched me as a passenger if my wife took over driving.
I was a Ford F150 guy driving only the Platinum models for about 15 years. I went thru four of them and kept them to about an average of 175,000 miles. My experience? Two were great trucks and two were not. I will spare you the blow by blow issues but I have since switched to a GMC 2500 Denali and I cant see my self ever switching back...Just my .02
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Man, what your going thru re-enforces my feelings on just keeping mine and just keeping it alive forever. New truck prices and the crazy issues makes me uneasy. Although that ford 7.3 gasser may be a winner.
The 22's are certainly having some kinks to work out.
I know it’s minor but I have trouble taking serious an off road truck that doesn’t have front tow hooks. If I recall, the new TRD was lacking those when it was first announced. Maybe still is?

Is it really an off-road truck without that?

I was in Costa Rica a couple months ago and that made me want a Hilux. Seems like we can’t have the good Toyotas here.
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