Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Explain Wyoming prefrence points like I'm 5

This is part of their research? What's the difference between asking somebody on the phone vs asking on here?
Its laziness and unlikely to answer your questions. You can ask something on here and get 10 different answers from people in 10 different states. The regulations and the help line should give you 1 answer, the correct one. Why muddy the water and cause unnecessary confusion? I didnt post it for the sole purpose of being a dick (which I do sometimes). I really dont understand that mentality and lack of effort. Ask the right people the right questions. This forum requires some thick skin, just like the rest of them.
Hey all, current WA (barf) resident with plans to (someday) move to Wyoming. Not sure when that will happen but in the meantime, I want to spend some time hunting in Wyoming. Looking at their regulations and it's making my head hurt- no more than Washington's do but still- is someone able to explain prefrence points like I'm 5? Thanks in advance!
Explain it to you like you are 5:

The Wyoming preference point system is selling false promises to hunters across the world that they will someday draw a tag, to the tune of $12M per year.

Kind of like when your Dad went to the store for some "milk" and never came back home.

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