Explain Wyoming prefrence points like I'm 5

explain it like i'm five is a reddit thing - a sub where people enjoy the challenge of explaining things simply and eloquently to those less in the know.

this boards average age and level of crotchetiness is not well suited to such questions. proceed with caution.
This I have learned since posting this! Won’t make that mistake again haha
I’ll give it a shot. There is a regular draw and a special draw. Special is more expensive and WY sets aside 40% of the tags for people willing to pay more. That may mean it’s easier to draw or may not. Who knows. In both drawings they go through preference points first 75 % of tags. The higher point holders draw first. Then 25% of tags are set aside for a random drawing for the rest of us unlucky bastards that didn’t draw in the points round. Something like that but definitely do your own research.
@c0d95 don't feel bad, nothing wrong with asking. jvanhoy here provided you with exactly what you wanted. A lot of western states have different ways of doing big game draws and there are very few that are straight forward and easy to explain in a sentence. I don't think you can sum up the Wyoming draw in any less words than jvanhoy did and you can see its not a simple draw. I guess he did leave out how your choices work and that part of it but its simply just all applications first choices are looked at first and then onto the 2nd and 3rd choices where no points are used when it reaches that part of the draw.
explain it like i'm five is a reddit thing - a sub where people enjoy the challenge of explaining things simply and eloquently to those less in the know.

this boards average age and level of crotchetiness is not well suited to such questions. proceed with caution.
great. Now we're all crotchety
I did do research. The website created a lot of questions for me. Didn’t have time to call yet. Sorry for using the discussion group to discuss things.
So you figured out your mistake then….come here with the questions and don’t ask for a full explanation like you didn’t do any reading or research. :) I suggest calling the DNR vs taking what a person on the internet says, half the time they are wrong.
So you figured out your mistake then….come here with the questions and don’t ask for a full explanation like you didn’t do any reading or research. :) I suggest calling the DNR vs taking what a person on the internet says, half the time they are wrong.

Half is very generous 😁
I realize now that I should’ve worded my question better! I’m planning on calling AND spending more time in the regs when I have a minute to really focus on it.
Seems like you have a fairly thick skin that'll serve you well around here. Oh and welcome to HT.
There's a guy who hangs out on this site quite a bit with more than one podcast and YouTube video on this topic
Seriously, in the amount of time it took to login, write a post, then check back and read all the responses, the OP could have been way better informed

Must be either a boomer or a Tidepod connoisseur, or a lazy gen X-er... really anything but the only hard working generation left, us Millennials.
the only hard working generation left, us Millennials.
I am a Millennial as well- when I posted it I didn’t have time to watch any videos and phrased my question poorly. It’s been since answered and then some- which I greatly appreciate- and I’m hoping to get some time this weekend to watch some videos on the subject.

I love learning and I freely admit I took the easy way with this post. I’ll be more calculated and educated in the future. Thanks for the video links!
Gotta be careful asking questions on this forum. People prefer to bitch over answer a question or linking a video...
Yep!! There are a lot of unhappy HT'ers out there, I think they are just unhappy people in general. Perhaps they should look on the positive side of things and be thankful they can speak freely and hunt.
You don't know what you don't know.
"It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so." -purportedly Mark Twain.

It would've been great if I had found this website or a similar one 20 years ago. I grew up in a state that basically only had whitetails for "big game". I had the understanding that only locals out west or wealthy types could hunt western big game. When I heard about the point game 20 years ago I knew next to nothing about it and had no friends or acquaintances that knew anything about it. My Google wasn't broken, but if you don't know where to look......
Just didn't know.

People on hunting forums are reluctant to share how to accrue points and how many they use for their respective hunts. This is understandable and somewhat frustrating at the same time.

OP, it's way easier for people to look down on you for ignorance when they don't want you in the same draw.

BTW, before you leave Washington State, see if WA offers a lifetime hunting license in case you may want to hunt as a resident after you leave or even return later. (If that type of license is available).

Good luck.
You don't know what you don't know.
"It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so." -purportedly Mark Twain.

It would've been great if I had found this website or a similar one 20 years ago. I grew up in a state that basically only had whitetails for "big game". I had the understanding that only locals out west or wealthy types could hunt western big game. When I heard about the point game 20 years ago I knew next to nothing about it and had no friends or acquaintances that knew anything about it. My Google wasn't broken, but if you don't know where to look......
Just didn't know.

People on hunting forums are reluctant to share how to accrue points and how many they use for their respective hunts. This is understandable and somewhat frustrating at the same time.

OP, it's way easier for people to look down on you for ignorance when they don't want you in the same draw.
Appreciate the kind words! I love the wealth of information that is available on this forum alone!
BTW, before you leave Washington State, see if WA offers a lifetime hunting license in case you may want to hunt as a resident after you leave or even return later. (If that type of license is available).

Good luck.
Sadly, to my knowledge, they do not
Ponzi scheme to suck as much money out of suckers as possible. Hunt your own state and enjoy whatever awesome hunts are available for residents. For real adventure, fly to Hawaii or New Zealand and experience hunts of a lifetime.
Do people do any research anymore, or just post up questions and wait for answers to be hand fed to them? This is really basic and pretty clear on their website. You can always call the Wyoming game and fish contact line, they will walk you through all of your questions. Should take about 5-10 minutes out of your day.
This is part of their research? What's the difference between asking somebody on the phone vs asking on here?
This is part of their research? What's the difference between asking somebody on the phone vs asking on here?
Whoa whoa whoa…….
There is no logic and reason permitted on the internet!

HT is not for the sharing of experiences and propagation of hunting in the interest of conservation.
HT is for derision of other hunters who also seek the only clearly remaining representation of the particular game species which other hunters pursue.
HT is for bashing of the 6.5 creedmoor.
HT is for venomous and contentious debate of which bear defense caliber is best.
HT is for unabashed blind followership of the opticly omniscient SWAROS (I just felt everyone salute).
HT is also an avenue for revenue generation. Just not mine.

I kid I kid....
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