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Examples of nice elk mount with 8ft ceiling limitations

Some context, plenty of room and it’s off in its own corner. I’ll be removing that bar, was just a cheap hand me down I don’t have attachment to.
I think replacing a booze bar with an elk pedestal mount is a step in the right direction. 😉
The only problem you are going have is that it is going to have to be a pushed away from the wall a bit to clear the antlers and will fill up that corner pretty well. Where I put my big bull I was able to shove it all the way back into the corner and it's antlers hang out over the railing. It would take up quite a bit more space if I had a wall behind him.

That is an 8' ceiling above him so that part works fine, I did the measurements and he is about the same height he would have been if he was alive (about 60" at the shoulder). He does come in 2 pieces with a rod sticking up out of the pedestal that he attaches to, it would have been impossible to move him into the house otherwise.

MAKE SURE THE MOUNT YOU CHOOSE WILL GO DOWN THE STAIRS. Taxidermists can make the antlers detachable but it adds a lot to the price tag and quite frankly, unless he's a world class taxidermist, I wouldn't trust him with that kind of surgery.

A couple of years ago a fella brought us a MASSIVE pair of moose sheds he wanted mounted on a fake euro skull. It was a bitch of a job. Antlers were too large for "average" one size fits all fake skull. Also so heavy they kept breaking the material. Required several remakes. Finally I finished it in our basement workshop and the client was coming to pick it up. Oh crap! It wouldn't clear the corner landing at top of the stairs on the back porch! After removing the door and hand railing it BARELY made the corner turned on end with two of us carefully rotating. Whew!20200315_200821.jpg
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We just moved and haven't touched downstairs cut me some slack :D
Looks like you have plenty of room to build a bar also!
Can’t wait to see the finished product. Glad you went with a pedestal. The whiskey barrel would be cool also. I’ve seen a few locally on wine barrels and they look good if done correctly.