Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ever get robbed on a hunt or traveling to and from a hunt

We have camped all over northern Wisconsin, the UP, and in southwest Montana and have never had anything stolen from camp. Gone off hunting and fishing and left numerous items at camp and nothing has been touched. Never really thought about it, but with this thread maybe my luck is running out.....
never had anything stolen on a trip but did have my truck broken into in front of my house. Had been on a hog hunt so I had my backpack with knives plus my boots/waders in the back, all stolen. One of the knives was the first knife my dad ever gave me and the other was a hand made knife I had given to my son from his first deer. I told the officer when he got there, if I had caught em, I would have shot em on the spot, no doubt in my mind. He just stood there and looked at me. Those punks had no idea what they stole from me, dollar wise it did not amount to much but I would not have taken any amount of money for that stuff.
I had ALL of my bowhunting equipment stolen out of the back of truck, except my boots. It was all in a locked hard shell topper. This was days before a week long rut vacation. I purchased everything new when I arrived at my hunt location from a local sport shop.

I've had my cabin broken into twice. The first douche didn't take anything but slept in my bed and ate and drank himself silly. Filled the toilet full as he was not bright enough to turn the water on. The second scholar(s) stole random stuff. Like the TV but left the DVD player. 2 screw drivers but left the socket set. Sherriff says put cameras up. Yeah, they stole those too. One was about 12 feet up in a tree
Been lucky so far, have only had the spare tire stolen off my boat trailer one time.
I know of a group of guys from my hometown that took a western trip and overnighted at a motel in Wall SD. When they got up in the morning, someone had unhooked and stolen the enclosed trailer that was hooked to their truck and got all of their camping gear, ATV's, rifles, etc. Cops told them that this one one of several such heists in the area recently.

Heading south for a deer / hog hunt in a few days with truck and trailer. Will take guns, cash and licenses in the motel. Always try to park somewhere well lit and where it would be difficult to do a quick smash and grab.
I know a group of fuys who had all of theri gear stolen on their way to Colorado. Even the sleeping bags. An entire truck bed with cap filled with stuff. GONE in the morning when they woke up at the hotel.
Had a game camera stolen by snowmobilers recently. I just...don't get it.

Also recently my hunting partner had a tree stand stolen. So frustrating.
Echo what has been said. About ten years ago when I was still a fly fishing guide, my season was done and I just got done sorting and organizing all of my gear. Thankfully in that process, I managed to take a good number of photos. Late that fall my dad passed away and a couple of days after, I simply needed to get outside and clear my head. Instead of just grabbing a couple of things, I threw in a bunch of my totes in the camper shell as there were various rods, reels, flies and other gear in various cases. Clearly I was not in the right headspace. I parked at the TH to hike into cheeseman canyon for the day. Upon walking up to my truck after fishing for the day, I noticed my rear hatch window on the topper was not fully shut and simply resting, not all the way down. Sure enough, some D bag(s) essentially had the easiest heist of their life with everything sitting in totes (all closed, not visible). I drove to get service and the sheriff said it happens once in a while, unfortunately. Once I sorted out exactly what had been stolen, it ended up being over $10K in total goods. Thankfully my renters insurance covered it, minus the $1k deductible) but it was still a pain in the ass. I kept my eyes out on CG for a few months after hoping someone was smart enough to try and sell some of it. It never showed. Now, I try to only take the bare minimum and keep it as unnoticeable as possible. I don’t have any more stickers on my rig either.

Overall, it was a swift kick in the nuts given I was reeling from the death of my pops. I hope karma paid those those a-holes a visit and blasted them with lightning while they were standing in a river somewhere...
My best friend had a pack stolen 2years ago while we were turkey hunting in Kansas...bastards!!
I am somewhat reluctant to post this because it comes across as if I am some kind of John Wayne and I am not ! I ran it by Europe and she thought it was o.k., but to keep it simple and I will.

I was approached by three men who said they were going to take my gear and have their way with me. I pulled out a handgun and told them two of them might, but not three. They stopped, I started shouting and they ran. But that one stuck in my mind more than the following two

The second time was a mere theft. I was putting up the horses at a horse show and someone stole a saddle

The third time someone broke into the truck when I was at a motel, but I had unloaded all the firearms and equipment and brought them into the room, so I only lost the change cup with maybe ten dollars worth if change in it, a plastic coffee cup and they took the chain and cross my mom had given me which was hanging on the mirror. I am assuming they were religious thieves
Some awful stories. Sorry some people suck.
I trust no one.

If we are eating at a restaurant with gear I only eat places I can watch the truck the entire time.

If we stop at a store one person always stays with the truck and the rest go in. Even at gas stations.

If we stop at a motel the truck gets emptied. If its not a first floor or an external door we use a hotel dolly.

Anytime we parked at a trail head I load up the ice chest with gear and shove them in the truck, not sure what else to do in those situations.

When we camp on public and leave stuff, I'm nervous all damn day. I hate it.

I will end with a somewhat positive story. Local boot maker in Houston had just opened up and had 3 guys come in to rob him. As he put it "I got 2 and wounded the 3rd, but he didn't get far". According to him no one ever messed with his store after that.
we had things stolen over the years , even a car once.

But I have a different question after reading Randi's post. I have had instances, when younger, where I have been personally threatened, some real and some just alcohol talking, but I do understand the fear, anxiety and anger.

I was curious if we have any criminal attorneys or law enforcement officers among us and if so:

At one time, many years ago, I think I remember that forcible rape or the threat thereof, individual of itself, did not allow you to shoot the aggressor.

In todays world. If someone attempts to rape your wife and or daughter --outside of their home--can they shoot them ? And if they do, the consequences of doing so ? This might also depend on the State in which it happens. Alaska, Texas laws could be different than Calif, New York laws.
April I am neither a police officer or attorney but after that happen I did some checking.

someone needs to be threatening you with a deadly weapon and literally a second from using it ( not sure how you decide that ) before you shoot them or you could be in trouble. If you are in your home or vehicle it helps, but they still need to be about to kill you. If they are not in your vehicle or home it even gets more problematic and believe it or not, in some places an actual rape with no other violence besides holding you down, does not give you the right to shoot them. If they just say they are going to rape you, you can not shoot them. If they are banishing a weapon and say after they rape you they are going to kill you then you can defend yourself by shooting them. In some places like your home state if they have a weapon and tell you they will kill you if you dont cooperate you can shoot them. But if they dont have a weapon and dont threaten to do anything but rape you you can not shoot them I am sure those in the know can put a finer point on all this. I was curious after it happened and I would have been in trouble had I shot one of them as they did not have a weapon that I saw. Just three of them
April I am neither a police officer or attorney but after that happen I did some checking.

someone needs to be threatening you with a deadly weapon and literally a second from using it ( not sure how you decide that ) before you shoot them or you could be in trouble. If you are in your home or vehicle it helps, but they still need to be about to kill you. If they are not in your vehicle or home it even gets more problematic and believe it or not, in some places an actual rape with no other violence besides holding you down, does not give you the right to shoot them. If they just say they are going to rape you, you can not shoot them. If they are banishing a weapon and say after they rape you they are going to kill you then you can defend yourself by shooting them. In some places like your home state if they have a weapon and tell you they will kill you if you dont cooperate you can shoot them. But if they dont have a weapon and dont threaten to do anything but rape you you can not shoot them I am sure those in the know can put a finer point on all this. I was curious after it happened and I would have been in trouble had I shot one of them as they did not have a weapon that I saw. Just three of them

That’s why you don’t let them live, then they can’t tell their side of the story. Just sayin...
I had a pop up blind stolen out of the back of my truck at a gas station while traveling out of state to turkey hunt. I always fear my camp will be stolen when out west.
Read up on some of the issues and laws concerning CC in your state. Some of the questions and answers regarding self defense may be found there. It's an interesting topic and each case can be unique. Some states have very little precedent. There are ways to protect yourself from a legal perspective should you find yourself in that horrible situation. In some cases the "one story to tell" holds little merit.
I am not in the legal or LE profession. I CC and try to keep informed.
We hunt on a logging lease. My FnL built this small cabin we use. It's been broken in a few times. My refrigerator and window unit were stolen.

As an aside, a camp we know of had a generator stolen. The replacement was later stolen. This happened a couple of times until they made it really difficult to take the generator. Then the camp was burned to the ground.
That’s why you don’t let them live, then they can’t tell their side of the story. Just sayin...
Dead men tell no tales.
It's your word against someone that is as hard as a Carp...
They ain't talkin'. 〽💥
I was traveling out of town for Christmas about 15 years ago. So, I decided I'd stop for a night at some public land on the way, and hunt the next morning, and make it to my destination in plenty of time for Christmas eve. Hence, I decided to road hunt the next a.m., so I wouldn't get on the road too late. I'm about 300 yards off the road when I shoot a doe around 09:30. I'm thinking: "Hey, this is great! I'll be able to show up with something for the grill for Christmas!" So, I've got my eyes pegged on the azimuth that the deer ran after being shot; as I give the customary 45 minutes or so for her to die. After about 20 minutes I see a truck slowly driving down the road. It stops for about ten minutes in the exact path that the doe was traveling. I hear two doors slam and it drives off. When I get there, there's no trace of the deer besides blood/hair. While I can't PROVE they took it. It gave me a good education and degree of suspicion that kept me safe for years to come.

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